$2500 budget grow 3 stage system 1 pound every 6 weeks

Hey everyone. Great forum! some background about my self, im here because prescription antidepressants dont work. i served in iraq as a Marine..... the government says all us vets are coming back crazy, well i got a solution for them. weeeeeeedddd it kept me from going crazy, my mind is just normal for once. as for my grow history i did 1 indoor soil grow about 4 years ago it was great, i still remember a lot of stuff from that so im not a total newb but i am to hydro. i decided to go big this time. heres my plan, i'll begin construction tomorrow and have the first seeds going by friday.

3 stage grow, pound every month half
1st stage 30 seeds under flures for 3 weeks in aeroponics 30Lx17Wx25H dresser
(1inch pots)

2nd stage 30Lx17WX30H dresser use 20 best plants in aeroponics 4 weeks flowering+ 2 weeks of budding under 250watt MH(hopefully sex will show before i transplant yes? no?)
(3inch pots)

3rd stage 48Lx24Wx70H cabinet 400 watt HPS, with C02 aeroponics 6 weeks budding. 14 of my best plants. im going to wait 2 weeks then choose 4 of the worst plants and remove them giving me 10 perfect plants guaranteed.
(6 inch pots)

reason for low watts: power. i did it up and it should cost me around $30 a month from electric, thats all i can really let my power bill go up, so bigger lights are out of the question, Maybe a 600 watt for budding but thats pushing the power bill.

can i transplant these babies 3 times with out any ill effects?

shopping list for tomorrow. (everything will have 20% discount hehehe)
Envirmental controls
$720 chhc-4 envir controls
$150 c02 regulator
$208 control wizard 24/7 nut meter

x2 $190 250w/400w hps/mh dial a watt lumatekc.
x2 $120 22x18 yeild master air cooled

x2 $100 Eco plus blower 180 cfm
$60 Eco plus 6" axial fan 235 cfm
$104 4x12 phresh filter


Well-Known Member
transplanting is fairly easy once you get used to it. With experience you can do it with no stress. Even for newbs it's usually done with minimal stress. Get your new pot prepped, if it's a big upgrade you can mold the new soil around the existing pot, but at least fill up the bottom to where it should be. Make sure the plant is broken away from the pot sides and bottom. Rolling the sides well and tapping the bottom on a floor usually does the trick. Once the sides and bottom are semi-free you can tip it sideways and usually just gently pull the stem and bring it all straight out. Once mostly out support the rootball/soil, and just place it into the new pot. Fill in extra space, you're done. If you do this properly the plant will start to grow into the new space almost immediately.

Sounds like a nice setup. Would love to see some pics when you get it up setup :)


Well-Known Member
1st sounds like you have a little bit more to learn before you start with co2 its not gonna help you unless you have all the other enviroment controls setup perfect wont benefit you at all..just pick a strain that you think will be good pick the best mom and clone from that..youre makin this harder than it has to been


Well-Known Member
Hope I can stop you in yer tracks asap Mac,,,

Stand Down!

Rethink this. 1 lb every 6 weeks with an electrical budget like that is gonna be tough outta the gate.

Do you own or rent?

Apartment or House?

Have you told anybody and broken Rule #1 yet?

I'm not saying you can't do it, but I think you can do better with a lil more research and a lil bit of help.

You have to tie a lot of shit together and make it all work. For some it gets overwhelming due to lack of a plan and a plan of attack.

C'mon Mac, use the noodle. Ya don't pull sniper duty out of boot camp do ya? Takes time to learn it and earn it. Slow down.

Need way more info on the set up or space you have available.

If you rent, I'd say don't do it. Unless the LL is cool about it but then that's one more person that knows about it.

Med Card? Med State?

Stealth pal, recon the shit outta this or it could be yer arse in the pen, not the Sand Box.

Check a few of my posts out, let me know if I can help.

Semper Fi
Class of '76.


Active Member
ex-Jarhead here but more than 25 years ago...

Yeah, I went to my doc earlier this year asking for help with insomnia and he gives me anti-depressants. One for at night, one for the morning. Like $3 for 30 pills. My health insurance sucks but for some reason drug prescriptions are cheap. Drug companies get the hook up. The darn things worked. I was all happy and shiny. Changed my personality. Made me feel weird. Destroyed my libido. I lost interest in sex. When I did try to get laid I could not ejaculate because of the drugs. I hate anti-depressants and stopped taking them.

If you have any PTSD issues, medical MJ may give you some relief. But it's medicine. Not an excuse to get wasted when you should be working. A stiff dose of magic mushrooms under controlled conditions may help you come to terms with things you may have seen or done while in combat and may help you find peace. Make sure your mind is right before you do that, though.

Your plans as laid out above are not realistic in terms of grams per watt. You're talking about commercial grower controls and CO2 with hobbyist level lighting budget. Pound every six weeks? You going to be selling this stuff? That's a year in prison in some states depending on priors and other factors. Think this through carefully. My opinion, stay small and hobbyist for another crop or two and reflect carefully before you go big.

Good luck.
To: glShemp
sadly i know what you mean about your Willie problem, med's did the same thing to me. i call the problem coke dick because you either cant get it up or when u can u cant get off.
shrooms, never done them, now that my heads clear maybe ill give them a shot.
im going to have at lest separate veg/bud areas maybe bump up the bud light to 600 watts
your right, im gunna skip the environmental controller and c02 untill a few grows but i do want

i really want to do aeroponics, and maybe upgrade to fog later on.

to: BoomerBloomer57
Do you own or rent?

Apartment or House?

Have you told anybody and broken Rule #1 yet?
yeap, girl who lives with me and one other person.

I'm not saying you can't do it, but I think you can do better with a lil more research and a lil bit of help.
im working on the research part, Mind if i PM you if i got a question or 2?

You have to tie a lot of shit together and make it all work. For some it gets overwhelming due to lack of a plan and a plan of attack.
i sit at home all day like a bum. unemployment rocks. so time is all i got. I'm confident i can get this happening, everything clicks for me.

Need way more info on the set up or space you have available.
basically just a 48x24x70 closet and 2 dressers about 30x18

Med Card? Med State?

off to lowes to build me a cabinet! ill get a journal going soon.


Well-Known Member
Yer gonna need a BIG ol' cabinet for a pound every six weeks.

Spend the money on a shed from lowes, 12 x 12 x 12 for 900 bucks.
1000 watt light set up 300 to 400
A/C 250
2-3 Igloos 150
6 Air pumps 360
PH down by the gallon 20
ph/ppm meter 100
Nutes 30
3 16 inch fans 90
ad another 150 to 200 for incidentals.

That there will get ya rocking. Harvest every 60 days.

what you see below are 3 coolers. 1 plant per cooler. 60 day harvest.

Can be done



Well-Known Member
I think your off to a great start but, at the risk of being negatron I'm going to give you a little reality check on a couple things...

A pound on those lights.... not unless you have some secret military grade light bulbs or something.

Your timing schedule seems a little jank...I mean, flowering takes 8 weeks.. yet I think you have 12 in there or something.

Aeroponic system for your first grow....I would advise against that my friend. Shit happens FAST in aero and the chances of you fucking something up is much higher.

Seeds in aero system? in what? hydroton?

A 400watt is not going to flower a 4' long tray very well at all. figure 3 x 3 for a 400 watt unless you put it on a light rail. Buck up soldier and get a 600 watt for flower.

Where are you going to clone, how, and when?

Lastly, you have some of the gear your going to need (and argee on jumping the gun on co2) but your missing a couple important and expensive enviro controls if your going to use co2 (sealed room). air conditioner, humidifier, dehumidifier.


Active Member
I would love to see this going! I'm still a noob here and the 3 stage approach intrigues me lol. Good luck man and I'll be checking up :) post pics please


Well-Known Member
I would love to see this going! I'm still a noob here and the 3 stage approach intrigues me lol. Good luck man and I'll be checking up :) post pics please
I wouldn't hold your breath. There is like 10 of these threads a week and they rarely go anywhere. Kind of a bummer but I learned the hard way my first "hey, will this work" threads were kind of ignored.


Active Member
While I like a positive attitude being realistic for your environment and situation is more important that growing a pound every six weeks. Honestly I wouldnt grow a damn thing if I were your because its illegal unless its for personal medical use. Is it worth 3-6 months in jail and lots of fines. If you grow more than 99 plants it could be 20 years. The only reason I grow is because I enjoy it and a few conditions that cause me pain and muscle spasms. I grow 4 plants a months essentially and it works out well no need to go over bored. Growing allows me to supply cheaper meds for me and a few patients which are family and friends and really need medical MMJ in order to live more normal life style with limited pain. I'm talking more that just Getting High, strain research for conditions, hash, lotions, tinctures etc and the several methods of applying,inhaling or ingesting them for maximized effect. Growing for profit is wrong if you are growing for medical needs and are not in a medical state than my heart goes out to you and best of luck other than that, get off the forums.

If you smoke for migraines you don't need smoke you need pills made from the stuff that does not get you high.

Dont Do It


Well-Known Member
While I like a positive attitude being realistic for your environment and situation is more important that growing a pound every six weeks. Honestly I wouldnt grow a damn thing if I were your because its illegal unless its for personal medical use. Is it worth 3-6 months in jail and lots of fines. If you grow more than 99 plants it could be 20 years. The only reason I grow is because I enjoy it and a few conditions that cause me pain and muscle spasms. I grow 4 plants a months essentially and it works out well no need to go over bored. Growing allows me to supply cheaper meds for me and a few patients which are family and friends and really need medical MMJ in order to live more normal life style with limited pain. I'm talking more that just Getting High, strain research for conditions, hash, lotions, tinctures etc and the several methods of applying,inhaling or ingesting them for maximized effect. Growing for profit is wrong if you are growing for medical needs and are not in a medical state than my heart goes out to you and best of luck other than that, get off the forums.

If you smoke for migraines you don't need smoke you need pills made from the stuff that does not get you high.

Dont Do It
OH MY GOD i just have to say it, SHUT UP!!!!!! the OP asked opinions about a specific growing system not your reasons, beliefs and morales for or about growing marijuana. i cant stand people like you "swiftgrow'', you get on a ''marijuana'' growing forum and preach to people about the wrights and wrongs of growing. then you have the nerve to tell people to get off the forums if they are not growing for the reasons you think they should be.....come on...i think your the one who should go somewhere.....maybe to a law enforcement forum or heck start your own forum where people can only be a member if they are growing for the reasons you say are ok.......

to the OP, sorry about my rant above....... anyways goodluck on your grow, as long as you have the will, there's a way........i wish i could help you more but im a newbie myself, sorry.
i see both points of view, i think he was merely trying to warn my of the dangers. but, i hear you swiftgrower, but i cant just stop growing now its too late! with over 2 grand invested so fare. there is no risk for me to grow where i am located... simply my county just doesn't care, the sheriff publicly annouced he will not be putting resources towerds bud. they bust meth, not bud, they got huge problems with meth around here so there more focused on that.

I have the will, i would like to grow commercially once it becomes legalized, medically in my area.


Well-Known Member
i dont ''hear'' him.....i'm an MMJ patient myself with a growing license and i caregive for two other people..... i also ''supply'' other people, all are mmj patients but i dont fool myself into thinking that i am any better than someone else growing that supplies people who are NOT mmj patients. come on think about it......just because we sell or ''take donations'' from people who have mmj cards doesnt make us better than someone who supplies people without cards. there are a ton of people who have ''legitimate'' medical reasons to smoke marijuana that dont have cards........ and vise versa, there are a ton of people with cards that dont have a legitimate medical reason to smoke. and you know what each and every one of those people can sit back and argue that the reason they smoke is a more valid reason than the next....... i just dont get this new wave of ''potheads'' they act like just because they use/have a ''medical'' reason to get high or relieve pain/stress, they are better than people that dont have a ''medical'' excuse. and to be clear im not refering to people that have only started using marijuana because of an illness, cancer ect......im talking about people who have used marijuana previously and are now using the medical reason to hide behind there hobby. so ''swift'' if you or anyone you supply has never smoked marijuana before your medical reasons that cause you to now, then i apologize for my comments......if not then stop with the b/s. you and your patients are potheads just like us who have found a medical use for it, just like us.

and how can anyone say ''growing for profit is wrong'', if you really believe that, then i hope you give all your weed away or sell it for 2$ a gram cause if not then your contradicting yourself.....

sorry again for the rant......coundnt help it. last one i promise...lol.


Well-Known Member
IMHO the OP needs alot of help in this area and should take his first step by READING THE MARIJUANA GROW BIBLE 500 pages later and a LOT less noobish questions.


Active Member
I could get 4 pounds to be safe but I'm sure I could hit 7 with 2500 dollar's. 4000w hps room easily financed with that type of capitol


Active Member
4000w hps avg 5-7 pounds every 8 weeks. PQ= 1000$ POUND = 3000$. Lowest yield probable 4 pounds 4 x 3000 = 12000 you could pay off the cost of the room with 9k ROI left and 12000 ROI every consecutive harvest at minimum with room for error.