250hps with 600w ballast


Active Member
LOL no u wont blow teh bulb ,, that will only happn if the bulb exceeds the watt ratio for teh ballast ,,,, ... so YES u will be fine ,, a 600 watt ballast is capable of handling a 600w bulb ,, so a 250 W bulb aint shyt for that ballast


Active Member
hosehold socets do not come with a ballast ,,, and they are rated to somthing like 150 watt ,,, normal household lights ,, people usually put 60W in them ,, somtimes 100W ,,, but u can put a 40 W or a 15 W CFL if u want ,, if a ballast is rated to 600W & u put a 1000W bulb in ,..ur fucked ,,, ,, i have a 600W ballast & i spliced into the wires & now have 2 seperate 250 W bubls runnin off it ,,, so your 600w ballast is deffinently ok if your only runnin a 250w lamp,,,,, or u can just grow some ballz & go buy the original 600W bulb for that ballast ,, home depot ,, less than 20$


Active Member
its not running now ,, i am in vegg still ,, but last grow it ran thruout the whole flower stage ,, liek 70 days of 12/12 ,, in a closet with proper ventilation ,, it worked just dandy


Well-Known Member
hmm,,,,i always thought that the ballast put out a constant power that cant be changed. so 600w ballast putting 600w into a 250w bulb.....


Well-Known Member
didnt acctually go bang BUT when i came home from work i could smell something funny............... looked in my room and light light had gone from a bright blue to a dull red, and here was a horrible burning smell.............and the bulb outer caseing had melted out of shape, :-0 whis i had listened now!


Well-Known Member
please dont burn your house down...or kill your neighors by starting a fire...then LEO's propaganda is all true!
IMHO, if you dont truely and fully understand the properties of electricity then it is always in your best interest to follow the instructions b4 you listen to someone you dont even know on the internet....i mean its not their closet right?!