250W Closet Grow (2nd grow)


Active Member
Nice, what size cabinet is that and how much did you yield your first run? What kind of venting do you have and what are your temps like? Looking good.


Nice, what size cabinet is that and how much did you yield your first run? What kind of venting do you have and what are your temps like? Looking good.
It's about 2x2ft and 5-6ft tall. I dont know man, but at that time i had 1 plant under that 250 of mine and 3x 30W cfls :) I use a 125mm intake fan and a computer fan as exhaust.
Temps: 68 with the lights off and 82-86 with the lights on.


Active Member
sweet growth, topping looks good, if you top all of those side branches aswell it will become a sidetopped monster... maybe... whats the main stuff in rhizotonic?


Ok cool! Think i will top my other one in a couple of days? or should i wait? they are 2 weeks into veg btw. Yeah i dont know man maybe i will ;) Rhizotonic is helping the roots grow faster, bigger and makes it more resistant. I dont know the mainstuff i've read the bottle and i cant find anything but the NPK value that is very low.