250W DR60 Grow


Nice grow man! Hope the rest of it goes well.

400w in a DR60? I'd love to see that. I'm only running about 250w cfl's in my GL60 and can keep my temps in the mid 80's pretty easily with a 4" inline fan. If someone can show me how to put more in there and keep it cool I'd love to see it.
Take a look at the grow in my sig then man, i've got some AK47 & Afghan under a 400W in my DRS60. Started off with a 600W which was a bit hot so ended up vegging under MH 250W and flowering under 400W HPS.

Good luck with the grow lutherman, good to see how they turn out.


Active Member
Update! So the plants have been moved to a new location and things are on track. I singed the top of the Sour Cream (I'm almost positive it's this now since its grown tall) but it's still doing great. Bagseed is doing great and both are female (At least I believe so). Pics...



Well-Known Member
looks pretty good,why dont you hang the filter up top so you can have room for another plant or two.plus all the hot air raises so you can get the hotter air out from the top,just a thought


Active Member
HARVEST!!!!!!! Sorry I don't have pics of the plant before chop. Had my friend do the chop while I was out. Because of certain circumstances, it was important that both plants be chopped at the same time. Because the bagseed is definitely indica dominant, it ripened first. I didn't want it to go all CBN and completely stoney on me so it was chopped down when it was ripe, but the sativa dominant Sour Cream wasn't COMPLETELY matured, but very close. It should be just a very heady already heady sativa dominant smoke, which makes sense since earlier harvested weed is more cerebral. Should be very uplifting I'm expecting :D. It also wasn't harvested so early as to cause a noticeable loss in potency, so its still amazing.

I didn't get that many pictures of the fresh bud because I was lazy, but the following should still do it partial justice. The picture with all the branches is of the Sour Cream, the other two are of the bagseed. It was hard to get it focused well for the Sour Cream, so the pic came out kind of blurry, which throws off the coloring a bit, but it looks great. AND, to my utter amazement, the bagseed looks awesome. It caught me off guard how much better it turned out than I thought it would, because we never really get any decent bud around here, and it was just from an average bag. Must have had some serious genetic potential.

P.S. I threw in a very early pic for comparison. Same two plants. And without further adieu...



Active Member
Thanks for the help guys! I'll update once more with pics after the cure, and the total weigh in, which should be roughly 4oz.

First grow ever, and this one's in the baaaggg. :D
Any helpful suggestions and tips you would give to a new dr60 grower? Im growing 2-4 OG Kush fems in mine, still not sure what 250w HPS to buy. . . cooled tube definitely right? I currently only have a 30cfm fan since Im vegging under a 90w LED. Sorry to impose on your thread, just figured you'd have some wise teachings to share with your newfound 2x2 growspace knowledge :)


Well-Known Member
ya lutherman sorry to impose on your thread too! but @ happysnowman123> check out my new post in the thread labled "dr60 test 1.." i keep my temps about 2 degrees (+) inside my tent from outside my tent. the info there may help you. i need to learn how to post pics from my ipad so if u can help me there that would be great. people have been saying i go a little overboard but i have my reasons. hope u check it out(mythread) and hope its helpful