250W HPS ScrOG Method with Coco Coir and Perlite (Aurora Indica Strain)


New Member
Hey all,

New member here and new to growing medical marijuana, just thought I'd share my first set-up and if anyone has any input/advice feel free to chime in. I need all the help i can get. I will be growing Aurora Indica strain (Cross of Northern Lights and Afghan) as i read it is very potent and good for insomnia patients such as myself:blsmoke:

Here is a list of materials i will be using-

-Secret Jardin Darkroom II Pro DR90 36"x36"x72"
-HTG Supply 250 HPS at 33k Lumens with a Yellow Spectrum
-pH Control Kit
-2 Oscillating Fans
-Large bag of Perlite
-Bricks of buffered Coco Coir
-Fox Farms Nutrient Trio (Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, and Grow Big)
-Spool of Twist Tie
-Humidity Monitor
-Screen material
-any other small things i may have forgotten

The Grow:weed:

Germination and Vegetation-

To start off i plan on putting my seed in a pH balanced rockwool cube, and letting that sit until it sprouts a few inches, from there i will put it into a 2 gal bucket with 80% Coco Coir and 20% Perlite, possibly adding
some worm castings (good idea?).Right when vegetation begins i plan to start my girl on FoxFarms Nutrient Trio added to water with a pH of between 5.5 and 5.8. During veg period i will run an 18/6 light schedule keeping temps around 68-70 degrees F. (I read that dropping temps to around 60 F during nighttime in the flowering stage promotes purpling,is this true?). Throughout the vegetation stage, i will water with pH corrected water every 1 to 2 days, depending on how quickly the coir dries. I will add my nutes every other water and plan to flush at least 3 times throughout the grow. For watering, I plan to use a BlackHole Hydro Dripper using a Drain to Waste method (is that right?). In preparation for my ScrOG i will top once early in vegetative stage, to promote outward growth, and will end up with 4 main stems, ideal for the screen.

[SUB]-one thing i forgot to mention is the possibility of adding a few blue spectrum cfl's on the side of the tent to help mimic opposite ends of the spectrum (my HPS being yellow spectrum)

I will position my makeshift screen about 12" above the pot, and will start training her stems as soon as they peak about an inch above the screen. Pulling and tucking at stems until i have an even looking canopy and each budsite receives ample and even lighting. When 75% of the screen is filled i will switch to 12/12 light schedule, keeping an eye on it daily, correcting the pH, maybe adding Cha Ching from fox farms during flower stage (good idea also or no?). I read numerous sites saying a period of darkness right towards the end of flowering can trick buds into thinking they are dying, and excreting more resin glands to protect itself. Some sites say the dark period should be the last week until harvest, others say just one day, i will probably end up keeping it dark the last 48-72 hours of flowering. Anyone that can help clear that up would be much appreciated. Throughout the flowering stage i plan to keep a jug fermenting with water, sugar, and yeast in the tent. This
poked with a few holes in it, shaken regularly, and add sugar to it once every two weeks is supposed to raise CO2 levels which produce denser buds.


some say half a Tsp of Epsom Salt would be beneficial two weeks prior to flowering, something about balancing the levels of calcium and magnesium. Clarity on that would be helpful. When it comes time to harvest i plan to hang dry for 48 hours then cure in sealed tupperware for two weeks, always giving small amounts of air and turning daily. Any suggestions for material used for the screen would also be appreciated as i haven't decided on one yet. Also what would the optimized humidity range be for this method/strain?

Sorry for the long read but just trying to have the most accurate, up-to-date methods in order to increase my maximum yield
Thank you in advance for the help, looking forward to reading your replies, this is all fairly new to me so please correct me in anything i said wrong as it could be the difference between a shriveled up excuse for a plant and a trichome glistening monster. feel free to stay posted as i will probably update this with pictures etc. when i start this long process,
Thanks again and Happy Growing! PEACE



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have a good plan there. i been wanting to try the scrog method which i believe i will after i harvest. but yeah if you do as you plan you should have a great turn out I'm gonna. sub so i can see how this goes.


New Member
Going to the store this weekend, so would like to know what to buy so I don't have to make too many trips to the store. Could anyone help me out with those questions in the top thread?


New Member
hey man thanks the positive vibes on my post !

Looks like you have a good setup going but may if you havent started the seeds yet may i suggest germinating your seed? it cuts the seed process in half! but either way you go on that route is a good one.. also when your little seedlings pop you should only give them water for the first couple of weeks, seedlings are very easy to over water so kinda treat them like a "weed" they would survive a drought before they would a flood. anyways that just my advice! Take some pictures if you can! id like to see the set up, i'm excited to see your girls!!:bigjoint:


New Member
hey man thanks the positive vibes on my post !

Looks like you have a good setup going but may if you havent started the seeds yet may i suggest germinating your seed? it cuts the seed process in half! but either way you go on that route is a good one.. also when your little seedlings pop you should only give them water for the first couple of weeks, seedlings are very easy to over water so kinda treat them like a "weed" they would survive a drought before they would a flood. anyways that just my advice! Take some pictures if you can! id like to see the set up, i'm excited to see your girls!!:bigjoint:
I was planning on germinating the seeds in the rockwool cubes, is that right?


New Member
Thanks for the reply Enimja! that was actually very helpful. i plan on starting the germination process by next weekend. any other input would be awesome