250w indoor grow....carbon scrubber question


Active Member
Im about 8 weeks into the current grow and its very apparent i will be needing a carbon filter if I run this strain again, however i have a quick question.

My growspace is a closet in my spare room/office where im using maybe 1/3 of the closet space....its seperated by shelving cabinets, etc. The closet itself is not completely enclosed (has slider doors with some cracks inbetween each one)...i was curious if i get a carbon filter would it be completely pointless? The entire room itself stays closed for most of the day other than to water, admire, etc
so would it be beneficial to have a carbon scrubber in part of the closet thats not being used, or hell, even put it in the room, outside of the closet. Im not trying to eliminate odor entirely....right now anyways....but something that will drastically cut down on odor.

All input is appreciated​


Well-Known Member
After having a buddy of mine tell me I smelled like pot even though I just sat in my house all day, hadn't smoked, and had some black pearl flowering in my grow room, I would say, yes, you should get a carbon filter if you really want to keep your grow stealthy.


Active Member
i do have an ona bucket running in my living room and you cant even smell it standing by the door of the room. Once you enter the room its quite pungent. im just hoping that having it in the closet, and seal it off a little better will help. was going to have intake coming from the room and the filter up top in the closet
As stated above, ONA Gel. it works the best for a non sealed room. You can buy it at the hydro store or online. ebay never disappoints.

Good Luck!


Active Member
I already do have an Ona Bucket, but thats not working entirely. I was thinkin if i ran the carbon scrubber in the closet (sealed the best i could) it should eliminate at least 75% of the odor. My ona bucket could take care of the remainder, but currently its keep the living room and rest of the house fairly odor free, however the room is bad


Active Member
If you're in a non-med state/country, choose one of the following: 1) A good carbon filter attached to an appropriately sized fan, or 2) A very good lawyer.

Your choice.

1) No Tell
2) No Smell
3) No Sell


Well-Known Member
The trick to removing odor is to create negative pressure in the closet. This is done with an inline fan with a carbon filter to scub the air before sending it to another room or attic space. The cracks need to be as small as possible but a perfect seal is not required because air would be sucked into the closet through the cracks and supply vent. Fan has to run all the time. I have a grow running in my home office closet. Absolutly no odor unless I pop open the door! Good luck!