250W MH/HPS, 5 Green House El Nino & 2 White Widow, 1st Grow


Active Member
Me too, going for 250, and a stupid question... Will all "eti" ballasts be "switchable"? I mean, you can use both MH & HPS on them right?
dunno wut eti is... i been lookn at the floralux setups at htgsupply.com. like 229 for hps wit mh conversion bulb. n you can add forced air cooln, which is great for my lil 2x3x4 box


Me too, going for 250, and a stupid question... Will all "eti" ballasts be "switchable"? I mean, you can use both MH & HPS on them right?
Hi newbieharvester, I am not sure if all of them are for both MH & HPS. but here is a picture of mine and it works very well with both and was really cheap: Ballast ETI for HPS & MH 250W + reflector + HPI-T Plus from Philips cost me 75€=91$ (german website) and I bought my HPS SON-T PIA PLUS 250W from Philips too for 30€=36$ inclusive shipping (german website too so not for the USA).

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o yeh, im keepn up wit tis one. i was goin back n forth between a 400 or 250w mh/hps system, but i see the 250 will do jus fine for my needs. beautiful plants bro
Hello Reefacheefa,
About the 250W I tell you, I go often on a French website too and there 250W is the standard, a lot even use 125W. If it's just for you don't worry you will get enough and you will save a lot of $$ on your electricity bill and a lot of problem of heat less (I don't have a cooltube and everything works perfectly= I saved a lot of money :D )


And here is a new pict of my plant after I trim the leaves that were too deep to get enough light. On the pict you can also see that I have my new Cfl 23W installed. I'll see now how the plants react with that extra light and decide if it is worth it and if I continue with it.


the Cfl doesn't seem to make any change on my plants except that it burned one lief so today was it's last day. I may use it again sometime if I feel it but....
anyway some new picts of my babies. The room is a bit crowded now and even if I am doing my best to try to keep my plants not tooo big, I guess I'll have to move the light in some weeks


The tallest one is 92cm from the foot, that would be 3 feet and 0.22 inches according to Google :)
I read that they can get twice as big during the flowering stage, I really hope mine will not get that crazy because 1,80m (6 feet) flower is not what I planned.... but anyway I have a lot of vertical place so it will be possible, I'll just have to do more holes to hang my light :)

and welcome Freshsmoke,
just an small advice from my little experience, don't think that because you don't have super powerful lamp your plants will not grow like crazy.... 6 plants in 0.8m²=8.6 sq feet is a MAXIMUM (I actually planned 10 but got 1 hermi and 3 didn't germinate)


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the feed back,one more ? have you ran this set before and if so what is your average yield off of 5 plants with it? thanks im sub'd will be watching..


Active Member
The tallest one is 92cm from the foot, that would be 3 feet and 0.22 inches according to Google :)
I read that they can get twice as big during the flowering stage, I really hope mine will not get that crazy because 1,80m (6 feet) flower is not what I planned.... but anyway I have a lot of vertical place so it will be possible, I'll just have to do more holes to hang my light :)

and welcome Freshsmoke,
just an small advice from my little experience, don't think that because you don't have super powerful lamp your plants will not grow like crazy.... 6 plants in 0.8m²=8.6 sq feet is a MAXIMUM (I actually planned 10 but got 1 hermi and 3 didn't germinate)
thanks im only growing 3 plants atm, in about a 0.5m² area just fitted a diy cool tube to get my light closer to the plants i can easily get it about 6-8 in now from the 15in that it was, hopfully that should help. before i had a cooltube it was far too hot to get the blub close to my plants so i moved it away and this slowed the growth.


Yeah, I am a bit scared to burn them too, especially when I leave my flat for 2 days during the WE, they could grow a bit too much and get too close to the light :\

and stinkbudd1, it is my first grow so I don't know how much I'll have, I am hopping to have more than 150g (= a bit more than 4oz). I'll let you know in mid august when I harvest my babies (hopefully).

and here are some new picts, I change my plants order in order for the big one to be a bit farer from the light and the smallest to get more energy.
I have been doing the 12/12 cycle for 1 week now and I clearly see a change in my plants, their buds start to get more dense.........HHHAAAAAAAAAA I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!! :)


Hi Newbieharvester,

I'm happy, you appreciate your 250W but still don't think it will give you the same yield as a 400W would have. But as far as I know it will give a really good weed with an affordable cost and nearly no heat problem.
And here new pictures, I love to see the changes in buds. And the first pistils are out now. I don't think it is clear on the pictures, but hey I took them with my mobile phone so the result is not sooo bad I think, I'm not gonna complain :)


Hello everyone,
so I didn't post for ages but that doesn't mean I had forgotten you, actually I don't have any good excuse except that I was pissed during one week since my lamp actually felt on my plants (who said it wasn't attached properly on my wall... :\ ), still using the plant that was under it to cushion itself it didn't break but I still lost a 3 beautiful heads and stressed some. I have been lucky since nothing got really damages, I mean, it could have started a fire and burn all my building... :-s
First some pictures I took the 29th of June, that means Flo + 18
And now some more pictures I took today (Flo + 29), it's amazing how much different the white widow is compare to the El Nino. It wasn't until now but since 2 weeks ago it has started to change (the last picture shows her)
I also started to try to produce seeds too with the pollen of my male white widow (he is in my GF flat) but I am not sure I did it well, if anyone has some advices I'll be more than happy to know how I should do it and even better how quick is it between the pollination an the start of the first changes. And until when can I pollinate my girls???



Hi all,

big deal this week, I'll travel with my GF during 5 days so no one will be in my flat to take care of my plant :( I overwatered them a bit and change the cycle to 10/14. the 22th my GF will come back and she will have to take care of them, I'll only be able to see my ladies the 2nd of August... :'(
So no picture for a while but as soon as I'm back I'll right how everything went.

@ Jay_normous,
sure you can post, if you have anything to say I'll be more than happy to hear it :)
(it took me a while to find out what you meant with "although im using 2 of them", I thought you referred to your profile pict :\ hahah by the way nice plants, I think that the next time I grow I'll use 250W HPS more just for the flowering)

@ reefachefaa,
Where could I see your journal? I'm always looking for similar grow as mine to compare and improve hopefully :)


Active Member
o duuude. thats child neglect... i havent tried a scrog, but i can highly recommend LST under a 250!! your babes look great btw!! +++


Hi you all,
it's been like forever since I post on my journal.
First, the over-water worked perfectly and my GF did a good job too so my plants have been able to flower really well. I harvested them a bit more than a week ago now and they are drying since then. I am quit satisfy with the amount I got, I still didn't weighted it but as soon as I do I'll post the result to close my journal.
They were Huge differences between the El Nino and the White Widow at the end, the smell was completely different with a much more lemon smell from the WW. The El Nino had less compact heads but with a lot of trichrom on the leaves so I guess it would be a really good plant to do hashish. I tried to smoke a bit of the El Nino too and it was really satisfying, I laugh all the night with my GF and had a lot of energy. Usually smoking means no sex for me so I like this one :D The taste of the El Nino is really good too. It is a warm soft taste.