250watt HPS? Is that enough????


Well-Known Member
I currently have 3 plants that are about 2 weeks into the vegetative stage. I currently have them under CFL's (380watts) until its' time to flower. I have my mind set on getting a HPS lamp for flowering. I am just curious if a 250watt HPS is enough to get my (hopefully) 3 babies through flowering with superior results. My groow room is 3feet by 4 feet 6 feet high. The strain that I am growing is white russian. Any advice would help!!!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'd use that AND the CFL's. A 250 will do but you could cram a 400 in there.

You do know you'll need good ventilation with either right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah thanks!! I have the ventilation part covered, but are you saying that 250watts isn't enough? Your right!! I can fit a 400watt but do you think a 250watt would do the trick?


Well-Known Member
How tall are you growing the plants? Covering a 3'x4' area with three plants and only 250w is skimping on light unless the plants are short. 250 doesn't have much penetration for big plants like larger lights do.

It would work, if that's all you can manage, but you won't get near the yield a 400 would give, just like using a 400 where you should have 1000, there is a big difference in yield when you skimp on lighting.

A 250 and your cfl's would be better but if you want to cut back to just one light spring for the 400. Or you could go with two 250's if you have found a really good deal on those but one 400 would put off more light than two 250's technically.

toast master

Well-Known Member
Hey Low .... you can figure 50w/sq ft. is more than adequate,like oregon said you get better light penetration with larger lamps .. but you can still adequatly grow with your 250... stronger lumens ads up to denser buds.... but if thats what you got go for it ....good luck


Well-Known Member
im gonna use a 250 to flower 3 plants too also gonna put some cfls around the lower half or the plant


Active Member
yea i agree, the 400 watt of course is better as long as you can keep the temps down. although the 250 plus all your CFLs should kick ass