253 Economists in Support of S. 1129 a Medicare for All Health Care System

Well saying you are wrong is not saying something bad about you . It could be a learning moment. Impossible to learn if you are always right. Life Lesson
I’m right though

if I start filing as an s Corp, cut my payroll in half, and magically claim that the rest of my income is unearned dividends I’d be lying and would probably get caught
U.S. health system costs four times more to run than Canada’s single-payer system

In the United States, a legion of administrative healthcare workers and health insurance employees who play no direct role in providing patient care costs every American man, woman and child an average of $2,497 per year.

Across the border in Canada, where a single-payer system has been in place since 1962, the cost of administering healthcare is just $551 per person — less than a quarter as much.
I was either right or I was wrong .UB could either be right or he wrong. We can't both be well informed on this when we saying the opposite of one another. UB was fucking wrong I was fucking right. PERIOD. Is there a reason why you just can't say he was wrong ? Are you scared of UB or is there something else ? No where did you say I was right.
Stand down. Shit if I'm right say it..then I will fucking not say anything about this. Handing out free solid info and get called scummy and illegal and you come with this bullshit but afraid to call UB out.
@UncleBuck is an ignoramus for not taking your advice.

From here on out, I will always take your advice. I should start a rafting company because it would save me millions even though my kids would never see me and isn't what I want to do. Also, I should quiz my wife about what she did at work and correct her if I feel she did something wrong, because I have complete control of her.

Because you are always RIGHT, babe. OK? Now, will you please take some midol and go to bed?
@UncleBuck is an ignoramus for not taking your advice.

From here on out, I will always take your advice. I should start a rafting company because it would save me millions even though my kids would never see me and isn't what I want to do. Also, I should quiz my wife about what she did at work and correct her if I feel she did something wrong, because I have complete control of her.

Because you are always RIGHT, babe. OK? Now, will you please take some midol and go to bed?
Uncle Buck has chased too many people away from this site. He has given the politics section of RIU a bad name in the MJ community. I have ignore this for years, but now I have had the opportunity to experience this first hand.

Only take advance that applies to you and works for you. How would a rafting company save you millions ? Why do you feel the need to question your wife about her job? Does she not know her job. You lost me on that rant. Why do you feel you need to control your wife.. Does that make for a healthy marriage ? That would never work for mine but anywoot.

I'm never always right.. Why are you call me your babe or did you mean baby ? Why would I take some Midol ? is that what you use when dealing with idiots . FYI Midol is for females. I'm not a female. I'm a man that speaks up for himself and have ZERO problems with telling the next man/women that they are wrong. I suggest you grow a pair and put on your grown man pants and do the same when you want to be helpful...unless you female then put on your big girl panties. Just woke up from a nap