the last part is when it comes illegal, the law clearly states it must be
reasonable. you cannot have a salary of 25, 000 whilst receiving dividend of 250,000 as the shareholder (owner). very fucking reason I said keep it 50-50 or 60-40 which the law requires. You are not very good at this are you. who balance the money in your household ?
Sorry that you don't understand how to set up a S Corp and pay yourself a salary with dividends. Perfectly legal. Surprising for I though you were MUCH smarter than this. you are not. I would seriously call the IRS to see what I'm saying is true...then come an apologize.
here is a link to back up what I say. Not sure if you wise enough to understand so I'm sure you will come back with another foolish drunken statement. get hannimal

to explain . he got degrees and shit and studied some stuff

link vvvvv
when you just to drunk to understand how to run a business