

New Member
I have yet to have any psychedelic experiences, but tomorrow I am going to have my first with a blotter of 25C. Don't know the exact ug level but apparently is pretty high.
Yesterday there was a party and 9 of my friends all did it and said they had a fabulous time and really enjoyed it.
I have yet to have any psych exp and am really egar to have one but don't want to have a bad trip.

I am planning on taking it tomorrow morning around 10 with a good friend of mine, we'll both be trippin and head over to another friends house

How long is the duration?
Is it euphoriant?
How intense is it?
Is it likely I'll have a bad trip?

Thanks guys

Trippy Mayne

New Member
My first psychedelic exp. was with LSD and I believe I dosed around 150-200ug and I had a amazing time. It all depends on who and where you do it. Make sure you are with trusted friends and in a good setting and try to enjoy yourself. Don't fight it most of the time trying to fight it will cause a bad trip, let it take you where ever it takes you dude.
Sorry I couldn't provide alot of insight on it but if it's like 25i NBOMe or 2CB it's gives you a great euphoria.
Enjoy and be safe man.


Well-Known Member
Dude,unless you know how much you're taking,those questions can't be answered...but on a general level..since you've never tripped,id say 8 to 10 hours,it does have its 'giggly' times body wise,and again def intensity is measured by dose..1500ug my first time and visually it was,well I can't describe it to someone who's never tripped,so that's off the booksbut as far as having a bad trip,that's unlikely,unless there are deciding factors,like you took 3000ug or a car crashed through your living room while you're peaking...better than listening to me..read more elsewhere to calm your fears..relax..its only a trip,well see ya when ya get home...,

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Btw, 25i was similar to LSD and Molly. It's like a psychedelic and a stimulant sort of. Intensity was off the chain but in a really good way. (Bright colours, extreme patterns, crazy CEV's, 1 great OVE, and a great body high.)
Duration was 9-10 hours, and I was happy as ever.
Just relax and have a great time


New Member
Dude,unless you know how much you're taking,those questions can't be answered...but on a general level..since you've never tripped,id say 8 to 10 hours,it does have its 'giggly' times body wise,and again def intensity is measured by dose..1500ug my first time and visually it was,well I can't describe it to someone who's never tripped,so that's off the booksbut as far as having a bad trip,that's unlikely,unless there are deciding factors,like you took 3000ug or a car crashed through your living room while you're peaking...better than listening to me..read more elsewhere to calm your fears..relax..its only a trip,well see ya when ya get home...,
I believe it's around 750ug - 1000ug max.
Can you tell me what your trip was like bro?


New Member
Btw, 25i was similar to LSD and Molly. It's like a psychedelic and a stimulant sort of. Intensity was off the chain but in a really good way. (Bright colours, extreme patterns, crazy CEV's, 1 great OVE, and a great body high.)
Duration was 9-10 hours, and I was happy as ever.
Just relax and have a great time
So are bad trips unlikely unless it's a high dose?
And damn are 25I and 25C similar?


Well-Known Member
Bad trips happen..its a fact...if you're gonna dabble in psychedelics,be prepared..no trip is really bad,unless physical harm is done,you allways learn something from a trip..my 25c trip was like others..nothing crazy for me but good patterns,relaxed mood,watched a susan tedischi concert with a friend and his wife(her first trip also,my millionth I think)..stayed up til 10 the next am but because I took the full hit at 10am..but didn't feel bad,felt great..cooked the kids a. Good breakfast,they left for grandmas,smoked a few bongs of dank,took a 3 hour nap,got up and went to the company superbowl party..drank some makers mark..all the time feeling peppy and happy,no comedown feeling at all..which is a put off for some people when it comes to trippin..I did a trip report..its somewhere on riu..and one on25b..anyways...have pot,a plan,an a contengency plan in case you don't like it or can't handle it(valium)..and listen to darkstar by the gratefuldead with your eyes closed the whole song through..after that..you'll love trippin!!!

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Your not going to have a bad trip unless you get pulled over by the cops or some intense shit like that which would cause you to panic. Your gonna have the time of your life most likely.
What you can expect is a good body high, pretty cool patterns appearing shit morphing, increase in sense of colours for instant everything maybe brighter and things will appear bigger one second and the next second they'll be small.
One time when I was on 25i this kid was beat boxing and he's a fucking pro at it and I was zoning out and when I looked down at the ground, the whole ground became a chess board. That was one of the coolest things ever. Other than the time I looked in the sky and saw the clouds form a purple dragon. That was by far the best OEV in the world.

Trippy Mayne

New Member
How fast did it kick in and whats stronger 25i or 25c
Like I said I have never done 25c-NBOMe. But to me besides LSD and some other crazy ass shit like DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 2-CP, BromoDragonFLY (NEVER TOUCH THAT SHIT) and a few others 25i is probably one of the strongest psychedelic RC available. Although nothing beats Lucy...


Active Member
In general I've heard 25i dosages as ranging slightly above 25c. For example, usually I've seen 25c blotters at 800ug generally and 25i at 1000ug, which implies that 25c is roughly 1.25 times as potent as 25i. I'm sure it's not exact but as a general rule I've seen doses like that. What I can say from experience is that 25i is more centered on the euphoria and almost giddiness whereas 25c is more visual. Of course, everyone is different, so find out yourself very soon haha.


Well-Known Member
I took some L at a friends farm in a hot tub,he was holding the tube end of a snorkle and watching trails off the rubber mouthpiece..I blinked and he was wrestling with a snake that was striking at him..I blinked again and it was reality...be prepared for some weird shit..I seen a toy scoot across the room and back..but all in heavy doses..you probably won't have very profound alter reality occurance if you're just taking 1hit of 25c..one hit of L is another story....


New Member
Ok I don't know what is up but my day was complete shit. I think I might have fucked the tabs up. When I bought 2 the guy pulled them out of tinfoil and handed them to me and I put them directly in my pocket in a dolar and took them today.
I felt a opiate like body high laughed my ass off at everything over nothing and just cheesed the whole time.
NO Hallucinations. No any of that. I called the guy and was pretty upset but he told me I most likely fucked the tabs up when I put them in my pocket in the dollar because he said the only way I wouldn't have tripped is if I "Finger fucked" them. I'm blown I just lost $20 down the drain.
I have one left and don't even want to take it, because their waste of time.
Is it true that RC can loose potency and shit by not being wrapped in tinfoil until the time your going to take them? Or is that bullshit and his tabs are bunk?

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Ok I don't know what is up but my day was complete shit. I think I might have fucked the tabs up. When I bought 2 the guy pulled them out of tinfoil and handed them to me and I put them directly in my pocket in a dolar and took them today.
I felt a opiate like body high laughed my ass off at everything over nothing and just cheesed the whole time.
NO Hallucinations. No any of that. I called the guy and was pretty upset but he told me I most likely fucked the tabs up when I put them in my pocket in the dollar because he said the only way I wouldn't have tripped is if I "Finger fucked" them. I'm blown I just lost $20 down the drain.
I have one left and don't even want to take it, because their waste of time.
Is it true that RC can loose potency and shit by not being wrapped in tinfoil until the time your going to take them? Or is that bullshit and his tabs are bunk?
More then likely you fucked them up when you put them in a dollar in your pocket (Which is assinian) or they were really low ug level tabs. Did he say anything to you tho, or did he just watch you put them in a dollar? Lol


Well-Known Member
blotter paper soaks up,it doesn't release..3 things mightive have happened..1. U got a low dose,2.u didn't take it properly,3.your dude bunked you...on the real I've had customers bitch I 'finger fucked' my lsd..they watched my tear off a coupe hit..'woah dude,that's not gonna be good'...I took a whole sheet and sandwiched it between both my palms and squished it..then told em if it didn't work,id double their refund..the never took lsd again..and unless there are factors like the paper still wet,any drug on blotter isn't. Being degraded..only time,temp,and phisical mistreatment will effect it...ur dudes full of shit,on two accounts..1.feeding u that line of BULLSHIT,and 2...selling you 25c at 7$ a pop...that's discraceful...shits $95 a grm..(1000 hits)...


New Member
I paid 4 a tab first off and I did feel it. Like I felt a GOOD body high a bit of an amphetamine rush, and I was laughing at merely everything. Was a great day other then the fact I didn't have any visuals.
More then likely bc i didn't smoke ganja on them. Will do another one probably next week with a shit ton of weed

The Haze

There are more nbome's than 25i/c and there is a chance that is what you were given. Unless administered correctly, these chems will not produce the desired effect. Simply dropping it on your tongue or chewing it will not work.


Well-Known Member
Op u cant take next week. I like to wait at least three weeks unless u feel like taking 4x the dose u took the days prior