26 watt cfl 6500k or 65 watt cfl 2700k. Which would be better for veg?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, quick question. Ive looked all over the place and i didn't see anything mention if a larger flowering bulb would be better in veg then a blue spectrum bulb about a 1/3 of its watts. I know redder bulbs are better for flowering,just not sure at what point larger watts out ways the spectrum.

26 watt cfl 6500k or 65 watt cfl 2700k. Which would be better for veg?

ty :confused:


Well-Known Member
Hopefully this helps:

2700K is best for flower; 6500K is best for veg. Ideally, you want I nice mixed spectrum for both stages. For veg, you want 3 6500K to every 1 2700K. For flower, you want 3 2700K for every 1 6500k.

As for wattage, the 42W CFL's are most efficient, giving you the highest lumen/watt ratio. IMHO anything less than the 42's (12-26w) will just not have the same penetration that the higher bulbs do. 65W are good as well, but usually more expensive than the 42's...


Well-Known Member
OK,what i mean is if forced to choose one, would it be the 65 watt red or 26 watt blue for vegging. I understand what colors are best for what stage,that's not what im asking.