2700k ?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to grow from seed to harvest with only 2700k? or will this effect the plant?


Well-Known Member
You could get a way with it if you were growing autos or wanted to sex really early. some grow from seed at 12/12 but that effects yield bigtime.



Well-Known Member
I was more curious then anything, so the sex would show earlier? hmm now thats is interesting.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on the strain ultimately how fast they show, but you can speed it along a little bit by forcing sexing



Active Member
folks do this alot with sog grows. buncha lil plants, low individual plant yield, but quick harvest. i like the idea, personally.


Active Member
oh, i dont know man i would imagine...but i've never even seen a lollipopped plant first hand...only pics on here. but i assume with sufficient lights, you can use whatever method you prefer as far as training goes.


Active Member
the little bagseed plants i'm growing right now are with cfl's and personally i think lst makes more sense for these lights. they dont penetrate well, so the idea is to keep the stalk horizontal so the light directly hits growth spots. these plants of mine are still young, but i'll probably start a thread in the next few days. mainly because i'm probably going to need some help too.