276W Bagseed Grow, So far awesome

They havent shipped my Cal-mag yet so I resorted to Epsom salts to fix the obvious magnesium issue. Mixed up a batch with a light dose of regular nute schedule since I've been giving them regular water for the last week or so. Hope it helps bring back the green. Plants arent looking too good =(


Active Member
I'd say that as your plant progresses in flowering, it uses lots more nutrients; your plant's leaves looked pretty much flawless in the beginning of flower and seem to get worse as it progresses.

Of course Calcium and Magnesium seems to be deficient...but what's your PH and what type of nutrients are you using? Have you made sure the leaves being spotted isn't caused by a PH lockout?
Yeah I flushed with 6.0 water a few times to make sure. The plants are looking better since the epsom salt. Also just got the cal-mag

Im using General Hydroponics Flora, drain to waste schedule.


Active Member
Leaves elongating and longer at the tope cola!!!...thats an O2 issue (In the roots/soil....usually attached to a pH issue)! limit watering...and for next time PLEASE LST that shit! (s
I'm definitely learning alot this first time around. Second grow will be better, and I am going to build a grow chamber to save some space, organize, and control environment better.

Whats the best way to measure soil PH levels?


Active Member
I'm definitely learning alot this first time around. Second grow will be better, and I am going to build a grow chamber to save some space, organize, and control environment better.

Whats the best way to measure soil PH levels?
test the run-off after a watering. good job on your first grow! I didn't make it to flower with my first plants. lol...
Harvested my 2 plants that shared a pot. Some nice looking buds with lots of crystals. Currently they are curing, on day 4. Smoke is so far good but Im gonna stop for a few weeks while they cure. Got about 50grams dry give or take.

Cutting down the last plant tomorrow night.

The good stuff:

smaller cuttings

Side colas


Harvest last plant today. It was looking grim, couldnt get the nute situation under control and got lazy lol. So it was a tad early but they look pretty solid main nugs.

Thanks guys, I'm happy.

Been smoking the 1st couple plants recently, and its a pretty solid high. A good mix between sativa indica. It comes down kind of drowzy, but its still got some time to cure. I had a cold / sinus issues and it cleared that right up.

The last plant I think will net about 40-50 grams as well. I'm going to let it cure a good month before smoking it to get best experience. It smells better then the 1st plants for sure.
Last plant netted 42grams in solid nugs, and another 38 of smaller 'mids' and small flowers. that I will probably use for baking.
