

Well-Known Member
Then again nbomes were allways relaxing..25c was like an edgy come up,mild visuals then BAM! I'm kinda rolling and tripping hard for a few hours...


Well-Known Member
if you found 2ce relaxing you didn't dose high enough you dosed a very mild dose. 2ce will have the inexperienced begging for reality lol!! its much more rsiky than nbome


Active Member
What the hell is all the numbers and letters lol? Mind given a newbie a sticky to read breaking them all down? Lol


Well-Known Member
Shulgin used combinations of letters and numbers to name his creations for his work. People who have done similar work have mostly used similar naming conventions and those are the names the world comes to know the chemicals by. The 2C series are phenethylamines with 2,5-dimethoxy substituted rings and varying substituents at the 4 position.

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
Are any of you guys worried about the potential health impact these 2C drugs have? Just wondering.

I've experimented with some more naughty things in my past, but have since become extremely health minded and only see myself using weed and mushrooms for the foreseeable future. A while ago, I was offered "acid-soaked" altoid mints. I was smart enough back then to know that 9 times out of 10, any acid offered to me was not LSD, let alone high quality LSD. So I knew there was no way this punk kid had real acid, but I took him up on his offer and bought some anyway to see what it was.

Keep in mind I have never tried real LSD... But I have had several dozen mushroom trips of varying dosages. Anywhere from 2-8 grams dried. I've done my fair share of trips solo and several with very close friends. Almost all of them in great settings. I'd like to think I'm decently familiar with how I physically feel during a mushroom trip or what the "body-load" is. I've seen people use that term here. I hope I used it right.

But I tried that "acid-soaked" altoid mint which I assume was some kind of 2C drug or something similar and it felt drastically different than a mushroom trip. There were several physical effects I had during the trip that gave me the feeling that it was more harmful than mushrooms. I was able to notice these effects and become very aware and conscious of them during the trip and it made me a bit agitated and I started to regret buying them. Because I knew beforehand It wasn't LSD and I would be taking a risk.

It's hard to explain because it was so long ago, but there was significant muscle tension in the abdominal area. Unable to unclench, or just an overall tightness. Also my brain felt much different. Like physically. I remember it feeling like an unhealthy and damaging thing to my body at the time. And I am intimately aware of the subtle changes in my body and mind so I know when something measurable bad is occuring inside my body.

Does anybody have any thoughts of this? How much information is out there on how these drugs affect the human brain and body? I just saw this thread and remembered back to that experience I had.


Well-Known Member
As long as you dont take extremely high doses consistently youre pretty good. Taking acid or any alphabet chemical once wont kill you unless you overdose or do something while tripping to kill yourself ie jumping out a window.

It could have been real lsd. It gives me muscle tightness in my legs alot when the trip starts comin on and that first wave hits.


Well-Known Member
Anyone in California ever hear of 2c-e or any of these analogs? I never heard of this stuff until i got on RIU....I am wondering if it is a east coast thing ... you guys talk about the different analogs like you have options.....there is about one fucking option in central california .....im just jealous and/or unconnected.


Well-Known Member
Might just be more chemical plants on the east coast so theres more of a demand for chemical engineers and in this day and age most people know the real harm/effect of drugs so theyre more likely to try/make/grow said drugs. Marijuana isnt satans herb anymore.


Well-Known Member
probably more of an education thing too...if you went to university and stayed on campus or nearby you would hear about this stuff.... not so much east and west but more social economics... I never heard of half the shit mentioned on here.

i swear, every week there is a drug mentioned on here that is new to me


Well-Known Member
Stimpy and ren..comparing lsd and mushrooms is like comparing sex and a blow job..its the same but different..no matter hwat you like more..and I once was that kid you doubted...you never should doubt,just question...my rule of thumb in life..
Straw..duck didn't get intto laymans terms(for us non chemists..lol)so ill touch on the basics..the 'ug' is abbreviation for microgram(very small unit of measurement..in million of a gram)..2c is a family of phenalethlamines..there are now 'analouges' that have similar chemical makeup,and the 'nbome' stands for that extra makeup..it also alters the illegal chemicals into a similar,but in most aspects,legal chemical with the same effects..
Imp..its not east or west,its population density...at least that's my take on it..who's gonna ship 'x' amount of chems to a small town where less than the usual amount of users reside,ergo less rapid sales,and the overhead of distributing ect...not the greatest market strategy to send lsd or pcp to 'b.f.e'. iowa in a cornfield I suppose..

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
Stimpy and ren..comparing lsd and mushrooms is like comparing sex and a blow job..its the same but different..no matter hwat you like more..and I once was that kid you doubted...you never should doubt,just question...my rule of thumb in life..
Straw..duck didn't get intto laymans terms(for us non chemists..lol)so ill touch on the basics..the 'ug' is abbreviation for microgram(very small unit of measurement..in million of a gram)..2c is a family of phenalethlamines..there are now 'analouges' that have similar chemical makeup,and the 'nbome' stands for that extra makeup..it also alters the illegal chemicals into a similar,but in most aspects,legal chemical with the same effects..
Imp..its not east or west,its population density...at least that's my take on it..who's gonna ship 'x' amount of chems to a small town where less than the usual amount of users reside,ergo less rapid sales,and the overhead of distributing ect...not the greatest market strategy to send lsd or pcp to 'b.f.e'. iowa in a cornfield I suppose..

If that was LSD that I had, I don't know if LSD feels right to me. Made my brain physically hurt.

I'd love to have a real LSD experience. That's on my list of things I need to try. Inlcluding Ibogaine, home brewed ayahuasca, mescaline, and DMT crystals I make myself.

Any hints on what LSD is like compared to shrooms?


Well-Known Member
I think from that altoid experience, there is no way to tell what you had. Since you went into the trip without knowing what exactly you were ingesting, that probably had a big impact on the trip itself. You are right in assuming that 9 times out of ten it really isn't lsd though.... unless you really know your source or test it yourself.

I can't describe a good comparison between shrooms and lsd. They are different.... But I'm not good at explaining it lol


Well-Known Member
^I'm wondering teh same thing. The only way that could be enjoyable is if it was instead of kicking...and even then it doesn't sound like my cup of tea. I don't get very sick though.


Well-Known Member
Hunter Thompson writes a hilarious piece on ibogaine powder in Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72. It is not a drug anyone should want to do. Basically zombifies you


Well-Known Member
Yeah ibogane aint no joke. You can die in multiple ways. At least thats what ive heard. Saw a few things on drugs inc i think about it and this guy gettin off rondo was doin it to help cleanse him of wanting rondo anymore. And he was pukin and started seizing and almost swallowed his tongue and shit. So its def not something to take by yourself or at all really.