2CFL + 3 T5HO Fluorescent Sun beam lights


Well-Known Member
These are my babies at day 31 from when I put the seed in the soil , I started using only two 32W CfL for a total of 8 plants and that proved to be efficient and then when they had gained a fair bit of size I added the T5HO lights and now there are only 6 of them and I haven't fed them at all , as I am new to growing and still have not fully understood the nutrient thing , there has been times that I have thought I figured it out and then I read another forum and someone says something to contradict everything the last person has said , and the people that I have physically spoken about it to , have told me to just use some regular miracle gro but someone else has said that miracle gro is not sufficient , so I don't know .. Up to now I have just kept them on 24/0 lighting and I am still waiting for some real believable and reliable advice about the nutrients but basically I just wanted to join so that I could share my babies with you guys and see what you tho I :p so any and all feedback is appreciated !



Well-Known Member
image.jpg Day 35 !

here are a few more pics of my babies , but not too sure exactly what day i took these pics :P


Again , any questions/advice/and/or feedback is greatly appreciated as this is my first grow and i am most likely going to need some help or something . thanks let me know what you think .


Those plants look pretty healthy!
I'm certainly no expert having one inside grow with a homemade 6X 43 Watt CFL grow light.
I tried to grow organic for In my veggie garden and secret garden too. Starting off with no nutes in your water is the right thing to do for seedlings, but it looks like you are past that point. Stay away from Miracle Grow... Earth juice is what I used for nutes ( Grow, Micronutrients and Bloom- one bottle of each and I still have plenty left over). Use as directed. I went with 18/6 for vegetative growth. I don't think 24 is wrong, but not necessary- get an inexpensive timer, the kind someone would use to turn their lights off and on when on vacation- and use less power.
Also watch for signs of male plants- I had to pull a plant out of my box and I thought I was using feminized seeds.
I'm interested to see how your T5 lights work... I'm thinking of setting up a second grow box and T5 are on my list


Well-Known Member
What type of soil is that? I dont see any signs of perlite in it...your plants are small to be 30+ days old...they need to be fed if all you have is miracle grow nutes then go ahead and use them at 1/4 strength to start


Well-Known Member
hey guys thanks , finally a bit of input .. first of all i would like to correct my earlier statement abiout the CFL grow bulbs
they are not 32w they are 20w and the t5 fluorescent lights are 39w and i have two of the 2 foot fluorescent t5ho sunbeam lights and
one of the 3 foot t5ho fluorescent light also sunbeam .. i have another one but i havent set it up in my grow room yet until i need to raise the lights again , but its pretty cool actually, the lights come with link cables so that you can connect them all together to one switch and you can have up to 8 connected to one power switch. so basically i just gave my plants a little bit of miracle grow today before i checked this site cause i didnt think i would have any replies but yeah i mixed it to about 1/4 strength and fed them but its the 15-30-15ultra bloom stuff that i used because i dont get paid until tomorrow but my plants have started getting brown spots on their leaves and i panicked and decided feeding them once with that shouldnt be too bad for them and now that i see i might check my local garden centre for some earth juice , but they had so many options when i went there and i didnt know how to ask for what i needed so i said tomato plant and she just lead me to a room full of bottles and stuff , thats when i came across the t5ho lights but that was last time i looked for nutes and just stuck with my miracle gro. but its now been 39 days and 18 hours since i planted the seeds in my sea soil , and figured i could explain all this ... but a picture is worth a thousand words so ill add some photos of my gear and plants for better detail . thanks all is appreciated -buddykronik



Well-Known Member
i use mg nutes 12-4-8 and i use them at 1/2 at first then full after that mix is gone and they love it those plants need nitrogen, they need a lot of it in flowering, that being said they look good man!


Well-Known Member
heres a few pics of the brown spots and discoloration that has appeared in the past few days , not very good pics but it helps a little
and heres a pic of the bag of soil i used as well, again any and all input or advice opinions help me out , thanks -buddykronik

image_1 (2).jpgimage (2).jpgimage_2 (2).jpgimage_4 (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
do not over do it with the nutes a weed plant is hard to kill from lack of nutes its very easy to kill with to much nutes!


Well-Known Member
Can any one suggest some good or satisfactory nutes for vegging that are available at Canadian tire or Walmart, maybe a picture of a barcode or something cause I have tried using blood meal 12-0-0 but I still have brown spots and leaf discolouration ! Help please , I couldn't find any earth juice it was mainly miracle grow but I really don't want to use mg ! And I really don't wanna lose my plants and have to start over from beginning !!



Well-Known Member
You use miracle gro 12-4-8 for veggin ? Miracle gro seems to be a huge thing where I live ..
i mean there is a garden centre but I don't want to kkeep going in there cause they ask a lot of questions haha



Well-Known Member
MG is not the best nute to use in any way shape or form. You are much better off getting good veg and flower nutes.


Active Member
flush it with pure distilled water. then water it with hydroperoxide, 1/4 hydroperoxide, 3/4 water. once healthy, start your feedings.

id try to keep it either outside or inside. transition could mess it up.
also dont be scared to put your cfls right on it, they can be an inch away.


Well-Known Member
heres what i use http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/miracle-gro-all-purpose-liquid-concentrate-plant-food-12-4-8/10070040?trail=SRCH:miracle+gro+12-4-8&fromPLP=true&ancestorID=alldept&searchString=miracle+gro+12-4-8&moduleName=S0011&startSearch=yes&fromSearchBox=true&addFacet=SRCH:miracle+gro+12-4-8

dont use the full amount though i only use 5ml for 6 liters it suggests 5ml for 4 liters dont use that much it will burn them! i use this stuff and get awesome results some people dont like MG i love it!


Well-Known Member
hey everyone , its now day 46 and i just wanted to update you a little bit ..
so i havent fed the plants since i have3 given them that blood meal but they turned dark green so i figured that it wasnt
too bad for them .. and then i had an accident :( i knocked over the two of the healthiest plants i had and one of them got soil and
the fert and everything on its leaves and the leaves started turning brown but i eventually fixed that :P

i have a few more pictures to show you too :) and the youngest plant i have which is also the plant
that got fert all over the foilage and everything .. i transplanted it to hydroponic today , i now have 5 plants in soil and 1 in Deep Water Culture Hydroponics so i will let you know how they both go .. now that i have one going in hydro i kind of wish i had enough space to switch them all into hydro . but basically i now have two little grow closets .. one has one plant in it with one 3 foot sun beam t5HO light and two 26w CFL bulbs and the other is the first one that i previously showed up . but without further ado .. heres the pictures . any and all feedback is appreciated ! and im hoping for the hydro to turn out as good as the soil has been working cheers! - BuddyKronik

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Well-Known Member
and here are a few pics of the new hydro set up , transplanted from soil today . cheers ! happy growing to all :)
