2CFL + 3 T5HO Fluorescent Sun beam lights


Well-Known Member
nah that white is just the light reflecting on the leaves , theres no white powdery mildew or anything , and I only mist them once every few days when its a bit warm, other than that I let them do their thing :) ... so far I think im doing pretty good for my first grow , im so excited and cant wait until I can try it out .. haha i smoked a joint earlier and the thought of ripping a bud off and smoking it , crossed my mind hahahah but im not going to :P


Well-Known Member
another thing i forgot to mention is , the second pic is a different plant all together haha , i just noticed when i looked at the walls in the background :P


Well-Known Member
Looking pretty good. Just a few tips for you. Dont let the plant veg for so long and keep the lights closer in veg so you dont get as much stretch. You want to keep the plant short and bushy with an even canopy. You also need more light for the lower half of the plant, as it is now the lower bud growth will be small and fluffy because there is no light getting to the lower half of the plant.


Well-Known Member
And yeah I know I need another light for the bottom of the plant , I turn the plant everyday so it gets full 360 light all around
and I have a lamp at the side that I also use to focus on as much bud sites as possible but I'm still hoping to get more light , was thinking I might buy a led light panel off of craigslist or something just to throw it it for added lights and stuff but well see .. Basically I just rooted some clones from these plants and have no where for them to go into hydro yet until I harvest one of the plants I have , so a few more weeks


Well-Known Member
For one of my next grows I am going to use a trellis set up above it just to try it out and as what happens haha


Well-Known Member
If you are day 35 in those pics you have a little more than a few week. Count on at least another 30-35 days and 40-50 if it is a sativa.


You plant is awesome :) Seems to need some more light, but its great anyway :) Love to see this way of growing like on Yours 2nd pic up here, to bad i am forced to make strong lst :/


Well-Known Member
Thanks! And haha I know it needs more light , I wanted an Hps but with my space I figured I would probably need the cool tube and all that and I don't really have any where I can chop a hole in the wall so I figured cfl and t5s lol haha here's a few pics of trichs day 83 of flowering