

Well-Known Member
alright guys i know someone out there has a place where i can buy these research chemicals. i am more interested in the 2ci. i know there are a lot of people out there who dont trust giving out information and no one will post the link straight on this thread or they at least shouldnt due to the fact of god knows whos trying to take em down.
i jsut need one place that is legit preferablly the cheaper on that for sure sells 2ci to the states without worry of credit fraud or none of that shit. if you trust me then pm me the link as long as you have bought from them before i dont need any bunk or to get ripped off in any way. if you dont trust me well each is to his own and thats your own call dont call me a retard for trying or whatever i know i have some posts and i am a newer member but whatever i jsut want to try this shit out and i dont want to get ripped off. this shit sounds way to good to be true based off of what i hear and if it is i def need to try it.
thank you for the 1 person who hopefully sends this link to me....hopefully


Well-Known Member
I guess now thinking about it the 5-meo-dmt is something that i would like to do as much so if oyu know of that place to for sure jsut message me i cant find it anywhere have been searching non stop for hours now and im on no sleep so please help a brother out....


Well-Known Member
If someone knew a reliable or secure source and posted it here, it would no longer be a reliable, or secure source.

That being said, spend twenty minutes on the googlebox and if you have any sense you'll be able to find a medium-high priced, semi-legitimate, selective scamming outfit out of HK. That's about the best you'll get.


Well-Known Member
Friend of mine ordered two grams of 2ci and lets just say it was the greatest summer of my life haha. Snorting it hurt so much though, it is the worst thing i have ever snorted and i heard that its worse than snorting meth. Don't know where he got it though, sorry

Tom :joint:


Well-Known Member
Angus i knew someone liek you would say that...look at what i wrote and realize that i didnt say to post it up on the sit ebut rather pm it to me and noly if oyu thought you could trust me....so like what was the point of that message. im not trying to be rude but come on you really think i would ask to post it.i wouldnt ask that if i could get 1 order cause i would want more that one order ya know.....but whatever...let me know if anyone has a reliable site and give it to me in a PERSONAL MESSAGE ONLY.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't an insult or anything aimed at you really. I use a fair number of the more reliable rc sources and I know what happens when a link gets posted on a public board. Last time there was a thread with a name posted in it the thread with the second-most views in the forum had 76. This thread had over 2000 and was under two pages long. Shit like that can kill a site fast.

To tell you the truth, I didn't read your whole post. What you wanted was obvious from the title. I just wanted to remind everyone that if you post a link on a board like this you might as well consider the link dead.

It wasn't aimed at any one person.


Well-Known Member
hey thats fine man i was stating that i knew someone wouldnt read the whole thing.lol
but thats cool and i know how much of a problem it is to post a link up and yeah i would not want that to happen as its better to keep the same place to order from than try from a new one ya know and get fucked on your order. sorry i didnt mean to sound like an ass either thats why i hate the damn computer.lol. but anyways bro ill remind everyone else the same thing.lol


Well-Known Member
first off audio feq you shouldnt post the link on the thread man instead you should pm it to me no matter how legite it should be or is just not good to attract attention.so please remove it....2nd.do they ship to the U.S.?


Well-Known Member
first off audio feq you shouldnt post the link on the thread man instead you should pm it to me no matter how legite it should be or is just not good to attract attention.so please remove it....2nd.do they ship to the U.S.?
No good. Save your money.


Well-Known Member
preciate the word angus.i already ordered from one site waiting to see if its legit..i think it is they sent me a couple emails already but it was quite pricey so i ordered a small amount but they were out of the 5-meo-dmt or it was backordered for like 2 months....so i said fuck it hope i can get another site.so angus if you know of a place try to hit me up with it bra.pm it so me though alright man.


Well-Known Member
Your best bet of finding research chemicals is not from a site advertising research chemicals, or anything got to do with drugs, Search for the chemical name in google,
Not 2ci but 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine and so on. You may find a company that produces these chemicals. Most will need a license from you but some wont. Also do not buy from anywhere that advertises phIKAL or thIKAL.
Or you may just want to try ebay.


Well-Known Member
really ebay sells the shit?
but he is right dont search for non of that shit. jsut search the chemical name.i found out that there are sites that manage the smaller ones that sell the shit along with the other research chemicals and they are the actuall labs and shit but i dont know the laws to well on the shipping to the united states i know its technically legal but can be prosecuted under the fedral some shit.i wish i could rememebr but i am exhausted.ill try to get back at you with it.


Well-Known Member
I think most research chemicals are produced in the states. I'm in ireland so its much harder for us to get them through. I had a quick search on ebay there myself, about a month ago i came across a guy selling 2c-e, 200 dollars for 100 mg, i cant seem to find it now though, if i do ill keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
yeah i just bought 100mg for 70 dollars and i thought that was expensive....i would never pay 200 for that i would jsut take a hit of acid or shrooms and some e and get jsut as fucked up for abut 20 bucks...


Well-Known Member
yeah i just bought 100mg for 70 dollars and i thought that was expensive....i would never pay 200 for that i would jsut take a hit of acid or shrooms and some e and get jsut as fucked up for abut 20 bucks...
but has the product arrived yet? And you know 10 to 20mg is the average dose?

I hope you diddnt buy from soundwaveabduction.