2nd attempt is way better


Active Member
ok so my first attempt was a pitiful waste of time as i jumped in head first very un prepared. this time i did alot of reading and got myself better prepared. the seeds i am using are just random bagseed. soil is miracle grow organic mixed with perlite and vermiculite. nutes are mj juice which seem to be making all the difference in the world if you ask me. lighting consists of a home made reflector and 6500k cfls of 28 watts. will be using 2700k 28 watters for flowering.
i germed my seeds via the paper towel method and then planted after i saw a tap root once they broke ground i put them on the porch for 3 days to get some natural sunlight then moved them inside into my cabinet. i started nutes under a very dilluted strength on day four.

these pics are 7 days from seed 3 on the porch and 4 in the cabinet i have named the two ladies cherry and pepper because of the soda bottle labels. i know its corny but hey i can keep better track of them for right now lol
this is pepper

this is cherry

this is the two ladies in there home

these are the ladies at day 9 inside and some cuttings i took from two outdoor plants that were not going to amount to shit so i decided to try to clone them and make the best of them
here is pepper she had a stunt due to over nuting so i flushed her very well and she is making a strong come back

here is cherry looking sexier than ever

here is a picture of the clones 24 hours after being put in the peat plugs and put under the cfls they are looking healthy and i expect all of them to root hopefully lol

here is a group shot

any and all comments are welcome except for any dickheads wanting to promote there fucking hid lamps i posted this in the cfl forum please respect the fact that some of us just wanna do shit the hard way and we are in no way as smart as you and we will never grow the dankest nugs on earth like you and so on and so forth


Active Member
i hear that lol i am hoping that both are females but if they are not i will save some pollen from the male and pollinate the female and make a new dr cherry coke strain lmmfao


Active Member
Loooking great but next time, don't start nutes until at least 2 weeks. The reason is that the first 2 weeks of a MJ's plant life, it gets its own food from its condelyon leaves. After they dry up and fall off (usually 2 weeks) then you can start with diluted nutes.

They look okay, but I can tell you burnt em slightly.


Active Member
thank you i found that out the hard way i bought these nutes from a dude on ebay and the directions said gentle enough for every day watering so i figured id water every day lmmfao but after i burnt the pepper i have only watered once and it was with plain water and wasnt planning on using any more nutes for at least a week.


Active Member
haha we did the same thing lolz
i used a rootbeer bottle though
just wait if these clones root we will have the whole fucking soda aisle lol i dont drink much soda but i knew i needed a shit load of bottles so i started taking a 2 liter to work everyday and sharing it with my coworkers and saving the bottle. i got creative on some lol


Well-Known Member
hey nitro...wow, cherry is looking the..ahh...bomb, as it were. Nice job. what light schedule you using? 18/6? 24/0? 12/12?


Active Member
You need air holes in your clone dome.

Cut some of the leaves in half. You'll lose to much water to transpiration otherwise.

I would only put one cutting per pellet.

Good luck.


Active Member
the clone dome is not totally air tight i only have one cutting per pellet and i have never cut any leaves and have rooted clones with no problem in the past i think ill stick to what i know but thank you for your response


Active Member
ok so here is a lil up date the girls are on day 11 from seed and the clones are on day 3. the clones have started to root in the peat plugs but i will not transplant untill i have tons of roots poking through the pellets. pepper has made a nice recovery and cherry is still showin out
here is pepper

here is cherry

and here is a group photo


Active Member
ok i am in need of some advice here and would appreciate all opinions. i am wanting to top cherry and root her clone the plant has 6 nodes and the 7th is pushing its way out nicely. what i am wanting to know is if i top her at the 3rd node to get 6 main colas will i be able to get the top rooted as it will only be about 1 and 1/2 inches long. this plant is extremely compact and i want to clone for sex with the top before i spend alot of time veggin a possible male. should i cut it where its at or do i move the lights up to get a lil stretch first?


Well-Known Member
ok i am in need of some advice here and would appreciate all opinions. i am wanting to top cherry and root her clone the plant has 6 nodes and the 7th is pushing its way out nicely. what i am wanting to know is if i top her at the 3rd node to get 6 main colas will i be able to get the top rooted as it will only be about 1 and 1/2 inches long. this plant is extremely compact and i want to clone for sex with the top before i spend alot of time veggin a possible male. should i cut it where its at or do i move the lights up to get a lil stretch first?

how do you plan on getting 6 colas with 1 top correct me if i am wrong but i thought 1 top= 2 new nodes and as far as clones go i would say its a win win cuz if the clone dose not grow you have 2 new colas and if it dose wow now you have another plant and 2 new colas


Active Member
with my plant being so short and compact if i top at the 3rd node the two colas will come up as your thinking but the two sets of bottom branches will be able to receive light and will grow up even with the two new colas giving you 6. i saw a few threads on here where it has been done before. what i am asking about the top to clone is is it long enough to trim leaves and still have enough in the peat pellet to root?


Active Member
ok its been a few hours and im bitin at the bit to either top or just wait was hopin someone would shed a lil light on me


Active Member
ok well fuck it i guess im flyin solo so i decided to just top the bitches and hope for the best. so here are the pics
pepper before her haircut

cherry before her haircut

group photo of the girls pre haircut

peppers hair cut

pepper after the haircut

cherrys haircut

cherry after the haircut

both girls under the lights after being topped

i saved both tops and put them in plugs and am going to attempt to clone them as well the other clones are still green and doing there thing so im hopin im gettin some where with them