2nd Coming Article Offers Clear Proof


Active Member
Emerging from a grueling 90 minutes of cardiovascular exercise and light lifting for tone, Son of God Jesus Christ said Monday that He is "definitely on track" to achieve peak fitness condition for the Second Coming.

The Son of God spends each morning trying to attain perfect abdominal definition.
"If every eye is going to see Me, and all the tribes of earth are going to wail on account of Me, I think I owe it to them and to Myself to be in the best shape of My life," Christ said. "Right now I'm up to 35 minutes at seven [miles per hour] on the treadmill and benching about 165 [pounds]."
"I'm really starting to feel like I'll have the strength and endurance to move every mountain and island from its place," Christ added.
Since His birthday last Dec. 25, Christ has committed Himself to a demanding daily regimen of exercise and prophecy fulfillment. Each of His workouts, Christ said, starts with an hour of cardio, after which He focuses on two muscle groups, replacing conventional free weights with the Rod of Iron with which He intends to rule all nations.
On Mondays, Christ works His chest and biceps and completes three sets of 10 transfigurations. On Tuesdays, He switches to triceps and abdominals, and passes as many sets of Last Judgments as He can in a minute. Wednesdays are devoted to the back and legs, and Thursdays and Fridays are for core and flexibility.
Even Sabbaths are spent doing yoga, swimming, and basic strength-training isometrics such as push-ups, leg lifts, and chin-ups.
"There can be no day of rest," said Christ, His eyes filled with flaming fire. "Rest is for mortals."
The Lamb of God said He made the decision to get in shape late last year when, after two millennia of relative inactivity, He realized that at His age there was "no way" He could return to Earth, judge the souls of the innocent and wicked alike, and reign over the Kingdom of God for 1,000 years without prior conditioning.
"The Second Coming isn't just Me sitting on a great white throne and judging away," Christ said. "I also have to make all of the stars fall and shake all the powers in Heaven. That's why I've been working a lot with the medicine ball."
Christ, however, admitted that centuries of heavenly grace had enabled Him to "really let [Himself] go."
"I can't lead the armies of Heaven looking like some flabby slob," said Christ, who declined to disclose His "before" weight. "That guy can't be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The faithful want a Messiah they can truly fear, not someone who's afraid to take off His shirt in public."
At first, Christ said He thought such a physical transformation would "take a miracle." During the first couple weeks of His exercise program, He couldn't work out on the treadmill for more than 10 minutes without gasping for breath and aggravating the old spear-point injury in His side. Now that He can deftly complete 20 ab-bench push-ups on the highest incline and almost as many chin-ups, Christ said, He feels more energetic than He has since His early 30s.
And not only has frequent exercise made Christ feel more healthy and confident, it's "cleared [His] head, which will really help [Him] deal with the massive amount of smiting and condemning."
Encouraged by His progress, particularly the increased definition in His pectoral and abdominal muscles, Christ is focusing all of His attention on visualizing the success of His Second Coming.
"Right now, it's all about Aug. 2," the goal-oriented Savior said. "And no matter how I look, there's no going back on this one like I did seven years ago."

seperate church and state, think for yourself, subvert.


Well-Known Member
If you look at current events, the book of revelations is predicting everything word for word. The 2nd coming is very real.


Well-Known Member
If you look at current events, the book of revelations is predicting everything word for word. The 2nd coming is very real.
Believers have been saying the exact same thing for thousands of years. Why would our time be any different?

Like I told you in another thread, there is no such thing as prophecy, I even explained to you why. Why do you continue to keep these beliefs when they're proven time and time again by other people to be wrong?


Well-Known Member
Believers have been saying the exact same thing for thousands of years. Why would our time be any different?

Like I told you in another thread, there is no such thing as prophecy, I even explained to you why. Why do you continue to keep these beliefs when they're proven time and time again by other people to be wrong?
Consolidation of world currency, rebuilding of the temple, natural disasters, population overgrowth, wars and rumors of wars, elite societies and secret groups of world leaders, UN, Israel becoming a nation.. I cant deny the signs. You can if you want to. All im asking is to please respect my beliefs.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Consolidation of world currency, rebuilding of the temple, natural disasters, population overgrowth, wars and rumors of wars, elite societies and secret groups of world leaders, UN, Israel becoming a nation.. I cant deny the signs. You can if you want to. All im asking is to please respect my beliefs.
Spiritual beliefs being respected in the spirituality subforum? PFFT! What a joke.


Well-Known Member
Consolidation of world currency, rebuilding of the temple, natural disasters, population overgrowth, wars and rumors of wars, elite societies and secret groups of world leaders, UN, Israel becoming a nation.. I cant deny the signs. You can if you want to. All im asking is to please respect my beliefs.
Why should I respect your beliefs? Simply because you believe them?



Well-Known Member
Let me reword that. You dont have to respect my beliefs or anybody elses. But you should respect the person.
What's disrespectful about asking questions about someones beliefs they posted on a public internet forum or correcting where they're wrong on a certain point?


Well-Known Member
What's disrespectful about asking questions about someones beliefs they posted on a public internet forum or correcting where they're wrong on a certain point?
Dude, be serious. Everytime somebody posts something about god do you really have to respond? Dont you get tired of it? We get it, you believe in logic and what you can prove etc etc, but some of us like myself dont. Its disrespectful to question everybody on their belief system. It creates an uncomfortable atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
Dude, be serious. Everytime somebody posts something about god do you really have to respond? Dont you get tired of it? We get it, you believe in logic and what you can prove etc etc, but some of us like myself dont. Its disrespectful to question everybody on their belief system. It creates an uncomfortable atmosphere.

I am serious, what is disrespectful about asking questions? I still don't understand.


Well-Known Member

I am serious, what is disrespectful about asking questions? I still don't understand.
Because its not right to make everyone second guess themselves every time they post something. You make your point heard, ok thats fair. But to continue questioning people when they have clearly made it known that they disagree with you is disrespectful. To put it plainly, you take it too far. And not just you, this goes for the other ppl that lurk in the SSP section just lusting for an opportunity to spread their anti god "wisdom". I understand how you feel on the subject, and I hope I have made it clear how I feel. Why cant it be left at that?


Well-Known Member
Because its not right to make everyone second guess themselves every time they post something.
If something someone says makes you second guess yourself about a belief, isn't that a good thing?

Isn't the idea to try to get to the closest approximation of the truth?

But to continue questioning people when they have clearly made it known that they disagree with you is disrespectful.
I disagree with this and you still haven't explained why it's disrespectful. If a person felt this way, why would they continue to post about their beliefs if they didn't want them to be disrespected?

To put it plainly, you take it too far. And not just you, this goes for the other ppl that lurk in the SSP section just lusting for an opportunity to spread their anti god "wisdom". I understand how you feel on the subject, and I hope I have made it clear how I feel. Why cant it be left at that?
Because organized religions don't just "leave it at that". If they did, I'd have to find another hobby.


Well-Known Member
If something someone says makes you second guess yourself about a belief, isn't that a good thing?

Isn't the idea to try to get to the closest approximation of the truth?

I disagree with this and you still haven't explained why it's disrespectful. If a person felt this way, why would they continue to post about their beliefs if they didn't want them to be disrespected?

Because organized religions don't just "leave it at that". If they did, I'd have to find another hobby.
Ok but im trying to leave it at that. Just bug other people, I understand your POV and your opinion.