2nd day flowering already showing sex and cloning


Well-Known Member
i have 3 1 month old plants i started flowering 2 days ago and on the 2nd day one is already showing sex and its female.

Can I take clones? i'm just growing in soil can i just clip it and put it into some soil and just water it and let it grow?


Well-Known Member
You can take clones but you will need to get some rooting hormone. It comes in a gel or powder.


Well-Known Member
is soil hard to grow clones in? also the leaves just in 2 days seems like they almost doubled in size


Well-Known Member
How hard is it to grow clones in soil? Also 2nd plant showed sex... its female as well! One more to go, whoo 2/3!

Man i'm stoned


Well-Known Member
I'm trying different cloning techniques at the minute, 1 of 4 rooted using soil but mould grew. I got 6 more on the go in rockwool.


Well-Known Member
is rockwool those little cube things that are at like wal-mart or whatever stores that have a garden section? I beleive they sell them with a differn't name to them. Also should wal-mart have cloning gel?

The 420 Wookie

Active Member
Nice Chaotic. Gl on the third :D. I just sprouted 3 seedlings all looking nice, hoping in a month or whatever ill have some ladies ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't know if wal-mart sells cloning gel but they do sell rooting powder. Congrats on the females. Careful taking clones during flowering, stress can cause the clones to hermie quick.


Well-Known Member
Its really early in on flowering so hopefully it wont make to much of a difference today is the 3rd day and I think I'm seeing bud spots. White pistole like hairs growing on the top of the plants... The leaves are getting really long and large pretty fast, they are way more then double the size then when I started the flowering. New growth leaves are starting all over the branches and everywhere too it seems.


Well-Known Member
It won't be as shitty as everyone on this site is going to tell you. Cfl's are capable of producing excellent bud, its all about lumen distribution per sq ft.