2nd degree murder. "...egregious on many sides, on many sides."!??

I made $1500 today, and I didn't even have to change out of my batman underoos and grizzly slippers. It's so dry up here right now you can charge these redneck idiots whatever you want and they will pay.

A few are really desperate. I had a guy even offer up his EBT card as collateral for a front the other day. LOL

every year around this time. I always sit on a few for this time of year.
I saw rim job and had to open.

You sure you didn't think that said "rib job", meat man? Is that what got your loin chops all reverse-tenderized, if you know what I mean?

I still want to know what this means:

I'll be cutting your meat within days.

Why within days? Why not within moments? Why not "when you're ready"? Why not "now"?

And what kind of cutting are we talking about here? Clearly, your intentions are nefarious if not downright homicidal and/or cannibalistic with regards to Chunky Stool.

And why Chunky Stool, anyway? Do you not realize that you would be leaving Mrs. Stool -- Mrs. Sandy Stool -- a widowed woman?
You sure you didn't think that said "rib job", meat man? Is that what got your loin chops all reverse-tenderized, if you know what I mean?

I still want to know what this means:

Why within days? Why not within moments? Why not "when you're ready"? Why not "now"?

And what kind of cutting are we talking about here? Clearly, your intentions are nefarious if not downright homicidal and/or cannibalistic with regards to Chunky Stool.

And why Chunky Stool, anyway? Do you not realize that you would be leaving Mrs. Stool -- Mrs. Sandy Stool -- a widowed woman?

No no, i re-read it to make sure! I was sure it said rim job before posting! i swear!
Never nefarious, or i would have voted republican my friend.
Days, got to cure that shit. I guess you could just call my humor fucked up lol. Somebody has to be that guy. so let cheesy be him.
Unless you want to give me my fucking money back?