2nd go at DWC, 4 1/2 weeks into veg, critique plz!


This is our 2nd try at DWC hydro. Our first crop turned out to all be males (boo), so here we go again! :leaf::-P

We use Stealth Hydro Nutes (anyone know of better nutes? We haven't been happy with ours), 4 27-watt 5,000k CFL daylight bulbs right now just for veg & we've also been adding some hydrogen peroxide every now & then to get some extra O2 to the roots & spritzing the underside of the leaves with carbonated water to get them some CO2.

These plants are about 4 1/2 weeks into veg. We're thinking of waiting 6 weeks to start flowering, but what is everyone else' opinion?

Is there more we could be doing?--Doing differently?--Do they look decent so far? Critiques MORE than welcome! :D



Well-Known Member
I use General Hydroponics, I will be switching to Canna's nutrient line as I've had great success with some of their products


Well-Known Member
This is our 2nd try at DWC hydro. Our first crop turned out to all be males (boo), so here we go again! :leaf::-P

We use Stealth Hydro Nutes (anyone know of better nutes? We haven't been happy with ours), 4 27-watt 5,000k CFL daylight bulbs right now just for veg & we've also been adding some hydrogen peroxide every now & then to get some extra O2 to the roots & spritzing the underside of the leaves with carbonated water to get them some CO2.

These plants are about 4 1/2 weeks into veg. We're thinking of waiting 6 weeks to start flowering, but what is everyone else' opinion?

Is there more we could be doing?--Doing differently?--Do they look decent so far? Critiques MORE than welcome! :D

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general hydrophnics
grow tek
holland secrets-----recommend these nutes more for aero as u do not get no salt build up so theres no cloggin up ov dripper and sprayers and so on.
Groth technology

these r all gud nutes to use


do Canna nutes come in powder or liquid form? Stealth Hydro uses powder, which works fine for the PH Up & Bloom they give us in a jar, but for some reason the PH Down & Grow nutes that came with our order came in plastic baggies. I guess moisture got in the baggies somehow, even though we sealed them after each use, because now it's turned into this paste & I don't want to even use it on the plants anymore. I think I want to try liquid nutes...
how does everyone think they look for 4 1/2 weeks into veg, though? We actually decided on doing 8 weeks veg before flowering...


general hydrophnics
grow tek
holland secrets-----recommend these nutes more for aero as u do not get no salts in it so there no cloggin up ov dripper and sprayers and so on.
Groth technology

these r all gud nutes to use
i will definitely have to do some research on those and see which one would be best for us. thanks for the recommendations, appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
hi there feng, canna do only liqiud form but they also do a line which is called mono but thats more for experice grower that wana make there own nutes up for there plants.....

i use advance nutes ppl say there a bit priceeee but to me there gud nutes and have gud base nutes the 2part is very gud and very easy to use...