2nd grow 1000w tangerine dream, tga,dna,g-13 seeds too!


Active Member
thanks NH,
dude verde looking very good! cant wait to see how they turn out. ya i had 1 of 3 branches i broke recover but then it turned male so eff that.
got some BOMB!!! purple elephant from this club here in sd and found a perfect little seed! gunna germ it with my next batch.


Active Member
Hey was up folks!! Breaking news weather anomaly frost advisory at 81 deg farhenheit, J.K. but seriuosly checkout these buds first is the group pic lookin good then various BUDS!! HAIRS!! and close-ups

IMAG0294 - Copy.jpgIMAG0298 - Copy.jpgIMAG0301.jpgIMAG0300 - Copy.jpgIMAG0298-1 - Copy.jpgIMAG0301.jpgIMAG0300-1 - Copy.jpgIMAG0295 - Copy.jpgIMAG0301-1.jpgIMAG0299 - Copy.jpg

AND here is one gorgeous Sativa flowering very nicely!! just about 2' tall now
IMAG0296 - Copy.jpgIMAG0297 - Copy.jpgIMAG0297-1 - Copy.jpg

Smokable porn trimmings from the Monster BBG HOLY FUCKING AWESOME !! Top 5 dankest bud I have ever smoked maybe #1 just cause i grew this amazing weed!



Active Member
damn kid! already gettin eager for some smoke? its only been like 5 weeks haha if that.

those ladies look great verde, just got a text saying the guy watering my plants had to move my light cuzz the sativa TD grew almost into it. lol still stretching damn.
prolly at the 3' mark at least crazy tall but just 3 real main branches.

gosh cant wait to get home to see my babies so stressful being away from them.


Active Member
looking crazy bushy verde, they are gunna need some madddd training.

medi not sure how my babies look been gone since last friday and had a friend wastering them but he says they look good, he had to raise my light too lol said they are growin like crazy.


Active Member
dayyyyummmmmm!!!!!!!! thats an amazing looking canopy verde mad props!!!!!
it is day 22 today cant wait to see my babies tommorrow ! hope i can make it home before my light goes out.
should be starting to get some buds now.... just thought about it tho maybe im just stoned but i cant remember if i indeed saw pistils on the remaining cheese quake.... i realllly hope i did. lol

and all i can still say is just damn verde, you will probably cop as much off that 250 as i will with the thousand lol

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
dayyyyummmmmm!!!!!!!! thats an amazing looking canopy verde mad props!!!!!
it is day 22 today cant wait to see my babies tommorrow ! hope i can make it home before my light goes out.
should be starting to get some buds now.... just thought about it tho maybe im just stoned but i cant remember if i indeed saw pistils on the remaining cheese quake.... i realllly hope i did. lol

and all i can still say is just damn verde, you will probably cop as much off that 250 as i will with the thousand lol
Thanks man! It's cool to hear such positive reactions, because to me they're just my plants you know...

I have no outside view of it, maybe I need to drop some acid and check them out :) I find with the good L, your short term memory, disconnects with your long term memory... allowing you to see, taste, feel hear and smell things as if it's the first time you've smelled, seen or tasted or heard something.... You feel me? That's one of the coolest things, I think. Regressing to child like connections between stimuli and long term sensual memory. Tool for the mind!


Active Member
that makes totaly sense verde, i always kinda wondered where that child like kind of amusement and wonder came from when on L,
ya i hear you about just thinkin they are your plants tho, thats how i look at it then my friend came over to water and was like dannggg they are awesome, i was like really? haha i just thought they looked good not amazing lol


Active Member
ok when i said 3x bigger its true lol, i flowered the td at just over a foot and now its over 3ft and stretchy
i got class now but stay tuned for a picture up date shit exploded while i was gone

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
awhhhh shizz... im feeding tomorrow with excess nitrogen to maybe help slow down the stretch! they need the N


Active Member
update timeee!!!!
gave the girls a full strength nute water yesterday and it looks like they loved it! and i think my td's have finally stopped growing!, the tallest was flipped at just over a foot and is now taller than the light... about 4ft tall.... verde u may have to figure out another way to lst them to keep them short if u got the same phenos i did. maybe a scrog net would help?

o well im just lettin them do their thing was thinking about tomato caging them and weaving the branches but i dont think they will bend that much, really crazy strong thick stem holding up the nodey bitches, also i figured out i badly labeled when i transplanted and switch the labels on the a td and cheesequake. could really tell once i got back one of the cheesequakes was freakishly tall and looked just like the other while the one labled td stayed nice and small and already getting fat buds! plus has a real musty smell.
but to me none of the td's have any smell!! but the blueberry gums one smells like blueberry hubba bubba gum and the other like u walked into a room where there was just a blueberry orgy, cant wait for them to be done, also seems like the c-13 pulls its smell more from g-13 has an odd smell to it but a great odd smell, hard to describe.

cant wait for next grow, going with indica's instead of sativas for the most part, and mostly all purples!


group shot... u can see how retardedly tall they got

power skunk nugging up really nicely love that uncleben top method

retard td! already the 4th tallest and no buds yet just started puttin out hairs

untopped bbgum

note thats not the big td next to it thats the retard!

4top bbgum

cheese quake!

monster TD!!

top that grew into the light

other td

next to eachother

note plant next to them on this one is almost exactly 12 in high from bucket



Active Member
thanks boys! they went like a week or more without nutes so all the new growth is coming out yellow but hoping the feeding i gave them yesterday fixes it.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
mine look about that stretched dude... they are a little over 2x the size and I'm hoping they're slowing down! day 10