2nd Grow 12/12 from Seed

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
OK guys just like title says we'll go from here:

If anyone has seen my first grow. I'll save you the trouble and just tell you Some botch job that was.

I over fed, over watered , And did any Noob mistake that was possible.

Thats Ok people as I said I will write that one off and Here we go.

I dont know why but I wanted the jump start and Started my seedling just where the timing cycle was previously
So 12/12 we are.

I have managed to get 4 female clones that are currently sitting in veg mode. Which will provided me with my future clones and my next perpetual harvest.

That means No more males. Just Bud.

Strain: Second Bagseed grow.

Now sitting in germination I have some Seeds from a grower that quit years ago. I came by and smoked a bowl with him from my first grow.

Crazy shit is he was telling me about some old school tips and could totally tell it was homegrown.

He Gave me bout 200 seeds of stuff he grew in the 80's so Im excited`to see how those turn out.

Now for soil I have Cactus soil from MG
It has all the great things for drainage.
Perlite, Vermiculite,peat moss and a bunch of goodies for fast drainage.
I've got to say these girls love it.

Just been feeding Casting tea.

They are just a tad over a month. I didnt record the actual date so Im just rounding off.

Also I have a Lemon tree growing beside them. That plant is the most delicious smelling plant. It over powers any cannabis smell so far.

Heres some pics.



Well-Known Member
Very nice healthy plants :-)

Are those pots big enough do you think? I'd consider giving them more room, no harm in potting up during flowering with a little practice.

Consider hanging a few more CFL's down a round the lower budsights because they wont get enough light otherwise to bulk them up later.

But very nice grow, they look good.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Very nice healthy plants :-)

Are those pots big enough do you think? I'd consider giving them more room, no harm in potting up during flowering with a little practice.

Consider hanging a few more CFL's down a round the lower budsights because they wont get enough light otherwise to bulk them up later.

But very nice grow, they look good.
Thanks man, I think these pots will be fine. My last grow had a huge pot and made no difference.

The significant change is my soil. They look so healthy because I water them every other day. I am always adding oxygen to the roots this way. You really need to look at this soil. I'll post a pic of the bag.

For the lights I will be adding more lights within the next few days.

I have A 70w HPS security light to shine on the bottom stalks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I think these pots will be fine. My last grow had a huge pot and made no difference.

The significant change is my soil. They look so healthy because I water them every other day. I'll post a pic of the bag.
I use a free draining 'Bonsai' soil, I'd be interested in seeing the bag you use if you're in UK as I am :-) I think these fast draining soils really keep things healthy around the roots.

Take your point about the pot sizes, but its always as well to give those roots a bit more room to stretch possibly, would just maximise potential of those very nice plants.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
OK just to bump this thread and show some recent pics.

My tomatoes are almost ready for the outdoors.
My Lemon tree will hang around for about a month or so.

My two girls are doing great. Real Tight Nuggs on the nodes.

I have the hippie seeds sprouting and we'll weed out the males as soon as they show.

All four clones rooted and are doing great. I'm saving one on 24 hour light schedule as a MOM.



Active Member
Very cool man...Lemon tree included!

How are your seeds doing that were started in 12/12 light? And do you know how this effects the plants beyond presumabley making them begin to flower sooner/causing a smaller harvest? I ask because I recently started some seeds under 18/6 light, but was forced to put them into 12/12 light when they were still very small seedlings. They've been in 12/12 for 13 days now and aren't showing any sign of gender let alone flowering. I guess it takes a certain amount of time for plants to mature regardless of light?

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Very cool man...Lemon tree included!

How are your seeds doing that were started in 12/12 light? And do you know how this effects the plants beyond presumabley making them begin to flower sooner/causing a smaller harvest? I ask because I recently started some seeds under 18/6 light, but was forced to put them into 12/12 light when they were still very small seedlings. They've been in 12/12 for 13 days now and aren't showing any sign of gender let alone flowering. I guess it takes a certain amount of time for plants to mature regardless of light?
Not necessarily, like I said these 2 are just a tad over a month. I expect an ounce off each plant. if that shortens my flowering period by few weeks I'll be doing pretty good. I assume I'll harvest around 60 to 70 days from seed to harvest.