2nd grow...400 hps


one of the plants, the one i topped, has developed in a different way than the others...about a week ago i noticed that the leaves had started to curl under...i put it down to too much water (being smaller) so i addressed that right away...the leaves stayed curled and the leaves on the cola went brown,,,so now the colas are still growing flowers but i've never seen this before...so i'm wondering if i should chop this one, i had wanted to wait but she's looking pretty baked...it's day 58 of 12/12 and about 20% of the trichs are brown and the rest are half cloudy and and half clear...i'd really like to know what's going on here...

looks like the problem is nutrient burn...although it is only showing to this extent on this 1 plant...i've been flushing the last 2 waterings and i'm going to go another week and a half...

well it seems another reason for the burn is that i had this pot sitting on an inverted plastic bucket 'cause of it's being shorted, to get more light...well, this had the effect of not letting the medium dry out...it was a lot slower than the others...why i thought it was over-watering...



day 61 of flower and yesterday i found one of the girls with spider mites...yeech...it was the one i had pretty much kept sparate from the others due to space so i dont see any of the lil buggers anywhere else...


i had a cardboard box in the corner of the balcony i was using for all the cutting and it had gotten about half full...so this dry leave mass was prolly the perfect place for eggs that had got transported from the original outdoor garden, can't really think of how else they got in, other than be carried in from outdoors...

so two plants have been chopped and the other three are going to go for at least another week with just flushing...i was aggressive with the nutes and i think towards the end some burn started showing...

