2Nd Grow bagseed ideas and comments wanted!!

\another update plants are growing fast and healthy only problem is my plant in the yellow milk jug got lil to close to light and burnt like 2 leaves edges and tips but other then that everything is good the plant in the styro cup has been not gorwing big its growing like a normal plant but jsut wont get big and tall i think its a midget plant haha j/k but it has 5 finger leafs and the seven finger leafs are on they way in a few days lookis like and i still got 2 seedlings that are gonna be starting to veg in few days



Well-Known Member
What up Lil thuggin? I see your plants looking pretty nice. ill have to start growing and take some pics. first two died. I have to get some soil but dont know what the fuck to get. lol. Is Pro Mix any good and would Peat pellets and pots do good with it? I will be purchasing a 150w hps system soon and everythng i need. I know i will need a little help. hit me up
cool cool to be honest man i use miracle grow moisture control and i think it sucks the soil drys out to quick but iv heard alod of ppl use organic soil and add pellets to it and it makes a great soil idk if true never tryed it but yea go with the hps and maybe add a few CFls to go with it


Well-Known Member
Looks just like my setup add a bunch of lights I love cfls but hate moving them every night lol!! Looks good
thanks yea its a pretty simple set up but it works well iv found that for me cfls work better less heat for smaller area. you got pics of ur set up