2nd Grow. Big Mama and her babies.


Active Member
Buds just started to form heavy. so now is when the growth really starts. the canopy is quite level and is gonna be one hell of a scrog let me tell you!

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Some hempy mother buckets. gonna keep the left mom for a while but the 2 on the right i'm just gonna let them get a few clones then strip them all the way down.

I still have to light proof the buckets but I got the foil tape today so i'll do that soon. I also put 4 smaller younger clones in solo cups. I'm extremely surprised at how fast they perked up. leaves only drooped for maybe 30 minutes after transplant. can't wait for the roots to hit the res and start exploding! :)

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Anybody have any hempy advice for someone who wants a perpetual grow? I want to always have a single scrog plant and a perpetual sog going. i consume a lot of medicine.


Active Member
had a better idea for a hempy bucket. of course i drove to the store and bought 4 jugs of different drinks. guess i know what i'm doing for the next 2 days.. lol


Active Member
ha thanks bro. You should see her now! I'll take some pics in a few minutes. need to do a little more training lol. and fuck yea foil tape is the fucking bomb. i'm changing containers. I didn't like how flimsy the 2-liters were without tops. I changed em and after I foil tape them i'll put some pics up of that.


Well-Known Member
2 liters suck for containers i only use them for when clones come out of high humidity, if you know someone that drinks a lot of coffee like i do, those containers are the SHIT!

i would keep an eye out for tupperware too, if found some awesome stuff, sometimes it can be a little pricey but in the long run the stronger the plastic the better.


Active Member
yea the new bottles are 1.75 L tea and orange juice containers. i only cut off the very top so i don't lose any of that 1.75L capacity and the plastic is 10 times tougher lol. There's also a bottle neck that allows me to put a zip tie around the top that i can attach more zip ties to for training.

I look at any container and think about the hempy possibilities now hahaha.

ha glad you're re subbed again punk.


Active Member
Big mama

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I think this pic looks really cool. like a thorn bush.
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and here's the new container. super thick plastic training possibilities and a perfectly flat bottom that is semi square so it doesn't tip easy. :)
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Active Member
yea up until now it was quite a chore to keep her pruned well enough to grow steady all over but we're done with that part! now all I have to trim is a random monster fan leaf here and there. I've been just cutting them in half like you would do with a clone and it makes the leaf stay the same size. Haven't noticed any dying off after it either so i'm gonna keep it up throughout flower. she's gonna look funny but I think she's gonna take well to it.


Active Member
Here is what's goin on in the bottom of the closet currently. Just took 4 more clones from a mother and will rotate those into here as well in a week or so. the bushes in the DWC are forming fast so i'll probably pick them earlier than big mama. let her fill out realllll nice :)



Active Member
I've got a 4 bulb 4 foot t8 mounted to the door which rests 2" from the side of those buds. and i'm also in the progress of wiring up two 2' double bulb t5's.


Active Member
mwahahaha is all i have to say. and don't forget the t8 on the wall :).

Here's a mom i just stripped down. 7 happy clones in the aerogarden right now.


Active Member
turns out the two extra lights up top makes it hotter than i'm comfortable with so i'm gonna move one down to the bottom.


Active Member
i set the thermometer in the canopy and it was reading 91. it was in direct sunlight. watcha think? now would be a horrible time to stress her lol