2nd Grow Early Lady / White Domina (Perpetual) CFL, but maybe HPS later!


Well-Known Member
Alright I've taken a small White Domina cutting, dipped in rooting hormone then into bubble cloner. In 10 days I will take a clone from Early Widow. Will keep checking for roots and report back.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Right on man!good luck. Ima try to take a flowering clone sun. Night.ive been reading flowering clones branch more?.idk.never cloned before....


Well-Known Member
Yo yo
Haven't updated in a while and I can't take pics till tomorrow cause I gotta charge the batteries :P
However I did manage to root the first clone, it died a little bit after transplant and then sprung back to life. I think it needed more humidity, so I put a plastic-wrap sheet on top of it for one day then started misting it.
Also I took an Early Widow clone about a week ago, her roots are coming out quite nicely in the bubble cloner.
On the 21st, I will throw the White Domina clone into flower, move the Early Widow clone in it's place under the 125W CFL, and cut another White Domina clone. And so, the perpetual cycle is pretty much started, but it will be another 65-70 days till the first harvest.


Well-Known Member
It was a busy morning for me because I moved the White Domina clone into flower, after setting up my tent, wow that clone is SO bushy now! 10 days or so under the 125W that the two mothers can barely share, she really took to it. Now I've planted the Early Widow clone in soil, and put her on the same spot, with a humidity blanket on top. I also snipped a new White Domina clone and put her into the bubble cloner. I need to change the water... there's green shit all over it! I'm just so busy right now, I don't even have time to upload pics to this log yet. The clone in the tent will sit in darkness for 24 hours and then the lights will come on, and in 10 days all of this will repeat once again and I'm out of soil, so I def. need to get more to continue this grow. Budget sucks bad right now I've had to stop buying weed and cigs :(


Well-Known Member
they wont be able to clone till they are about 60days from seed. it will stress the plant too much if you just start hacking off limbs at just 1 month. as far as your light you really should invest in a hps. its totally worth it. your plan is great. however i have to say that you might want to just sit back an watch these grow a little. cuz one thing i have learned is that not every strain is the same. this stain may take more than 10 days to root. how are you growing these? what kinda room or set up do ya have?
lol that is one of the most ignorant things i have heard, since i took the bottom 4 shoots off my domina at about a month, once the shoots are long enough for you, then it is time to clone, dont listen to that dude, oh yea, and the domina clones real quick too, its nice.... i got one in flower at 4 weeks or soo and ill tell ya, the fucker is already getting frosty, it smells pungeant and it looks killer, good choice bro, i am gunna be sure to keep it going in my garden..... think about this one as well man. i dont keep mothers, all i do is take clones, then let them grow up and when they are about rdy to go in flower i will take cuts off the new clones, that keeps my supply steady and if you have to worry bout plant count then you will have 1 more that you can fuck with in your arsenal opposed to keeping a mother, ya feel me p.s. my domina loves the full lineup of foxfarm at full strength from the beginning. so yea, they like nutes mighty well


Well-Known Member
hey, your right the domina is an AWESOME strain, SO bushy and vigorous. i am so impressed by it, it makes me want to stop growing Early Widow, but i will give her a chance to impress me for a couple harvests.

i took the clones much earlier than 60 days, and the mothers are doing great since anyway. the clones from domina are great, but early widow i am not so sure. an early widow clone I took stayed with 3 leaf sets after being veg'd for 10 days, however she is now producing buds. so no clue.

i will get some pics up tonight


Well-Known Member
Alright so it's been a long time since I posted pics, here we are.

The flowering area

Left to right:
black domina #1, 49 days old, 29 days flowering
early widow #1, 39 days old, 19 days flowering
black domina #2, 29 days old, 9 days flowering

Black Domina #1 closer

The cramped veg area:

Left to Right: Early Widow Mom, Early Widow #2, Black Domina Mom.
The seedling is an echidanea for my wife.


Well-Known Member
So anyways, I got rid of Early Widow Mom. Lowered the plant count, and hopefully Black Domina Mom will enjoy having most of the light to herself.