those yellow one the plant doesn't need any more. couple of them look a bit under the weather. what's your temp range, light schedule, feed protocol?
also i am on my 3rd widow crop and IMO they are light hogs and to get the most out of them they need lots of light. last crop i had two big bug and two widow two per 600w hps. this time i went with just one widow per each hps. i wont get as much as last time but the plants look so much better.
looks overfed, are u feeding. Other than that looks to be a little stretched, maybe lower the lights a bit. Just water with plain tap, ph if necessary and wait to see in the next days to come. All in all looks great bub. Best of luck
ill try lowering the light ^^ also as for temperature it ranges thru out the day. between 70-85.
i have an AC on a timer because if i didnt have the AC on it hits 90+ degrees. so AC kicks on when temp hits 85 and brings it down to around 70-75 then shuts off