2nd Grow. Learned a LOT in 2009. Now improving.


Active Member
Man, think I'm going to take a week of vacation and try that advice on doe size....Seriously. Thanks for the post bro..

Oh, BTW, what does this mean: "i got a couple clones saved up and i want to try to germinate them any suggestions?"???
Clones as in cut clones from a plant I assume? How the hell do you save that up let alone germinate? I'm confused...


Well-Known Member
im gonna jump in on this one. Love the room setup bro. simple yet effective. great job keep it up. If ya could swing by my flowering journal, im trying to get some followers. link in sig. thanks


Active Member
Well, the plants were dry enough for a decent watering. One of my up and cummers is a male; he's outta there!. The rest all look female.
I used AzaMax in this watering to try and rid my little critters. Will keep anyone reading this posted on how it works out.


Active Member
Well, their still alive. I do notice now some "spots" most likely from the critters. So far, that is looking like it has stopped. It's only been a couple days since their dosing, so I will have to investigate them more in a day or so for infestation.


Active Member
Forgot to add, I started Rasberry Cough and Mystic Blue (you probably saw them in earlier pics; the youngins). Got them from Nirvana seeds. Of the 8, 2 I simply had no room for, period. I picked the two smallest of the 8 and got rid of them. The six remaining, 5 were girls!
13 plants this year!

Again, any LEO here, this is for me. No SELLING; No GIVING away. MINE!!! (I'm a selfish bastard...lol; actually, I just hate street dealers (pukes) one and all; I hope my state congress legalizes, I'd gladly pay a permit fee!!!!!)


Active Member
Some new pics, plus a new bug! yesssssssss....

Not sure if the bug in that picture is a wasp, or a fungus gnat. It's still alive trapped under a lid in my grow room. I would be amazed if I have fungus gnat's as I am having a hard time keeping mositure in my pots in the first place!
Guess I'm going to behead the little fucker and check it under the loupe.



Active Member
Damnit that room is going to be the life of me!!

I literally cannot predict from one day to the next what my grow room enviro's is going to be like. Note to any of those reading this, if you indoor grow, a split level house with a grow room in the basement is a pain in the ass!!! So, barely two days, plants are dry as hell again. They got a slow watering of 10gallons at 6.1ph. I might even have to tune that back as my run off was closer to 6.7; maybe even 6.8.
One plant did not take to nutes well. It got an extra watering tonight with a splash of Epsom salt. Two others are kinda spotty, but nothing too bad; nothing you guys wouldn't smoke in the end ;-)
Guess I should start reading up on hydro (not for this grow, next year).


Active Member
Had a HD crash...back online now...So, critters look at bay for the most part. One here and there, but I still have yet to see flocks of anything. I have no doubt now they were out there; I have lil spots all over some leaves. I ALSO made the same damn mistake I made last year with nutes, mixed up teaspoon with tablespoon. One plant has some crispy leaves. A few others have some light nte burn; but so far, all look to be holding on well. They may not look "purty", but their growing what I want. So, back to light dosages for me!

few pics...let me know what you think. I went 12/12 on 5/21.

edit* Oh yeah, check out the last pic...It doubled on itself..I had nothing to do with that. Should be interesting.



Active Member
Just some spot checking today. Still seeing some pests running around. Few I saw on some dead leaves were real creamy. I don't know if they are new, of maturing...None the less, I upped my Aza dosage by two days. 2qt. of Aza @ 1oz. sprayed on the plants (under leaves as best I could get them all). Good dosing from top of the leaves and my flowers.
Following that, 4.5g water with 3oz. of Aza for all plants. Couple of them have some pretty chewed up leaves. Could have been the pests, could have been my mess up with a Nute.
They are all hanging in there so far and a couple are really busting out. I have one that is not really top heavy, but wants to lean over. It's stalk is "so-so" compared to the rest of the plants, so I have that girl in the middle of the bunch for this week.
Fan is still on 24x7. Room is drying out nicely now. Humid is higher than I want as of the moment, but that is due to de-humid tank filling up in the middle of the night; roughly 9 hours with no humid control. It should come back down in a couple hours. I lowered my de-humid to 60%

More to come...


Active Member
More rain. fucking yea.
Lord have mercy I am tired of rain and fighting humidty and soil dryness...grrrrrrrrrrrrr....total pain in the ass. And I got at least six more weeks before I can harvest.
Couple plants have some fucked up leaves on them on the very top. Most likely heat problems on top of every damn thing else ;-)
Like another member said; its not a beauty contest.
Sucks though, without some of those leaves at full bore and healthy, I'm betting my bottom dollar my bud size will be impacted.


Active Member
So, since the Aza treatments, NO BUGS! w00t!
I have one more dosing left and provided there are still NO BUGS, it will be soil based administration.
Cola's are really coming along now. I am going into week 5 of 12/12. It will depend on trich's, but I'm guessing 3.5-5 weeks left for the first batch. The 5 late comers are doing fine, lanky, but by the time they really get ready to produce, they'll be the only plants left and I will simply let them fall over with some support rope and let those five take in the light. They won't be heavy producers, but with the amount of berry smell poring out of that room, they should make for a fine smoke of occasion! Pics to come later..


Active Member
Thank you brother.


WTF is that growing in your avatar?? That purple tells me cooler climate. I'm thinking I might be able to get a late grow in based on where I live going into winter.


Active Member
I should add, keep a recorded "schedule" of what you have done. It has helped me in keeping track of feedings and preventative maintenance.

edit: If you mix or treat your water in your grow room, be sure to have a couple vile's treated 6.0PH and 7.0PH water for reference. My HPS really distorts the spectrum's and the PH "meter" does no good in that room.

If you use AzaMax, BE SURE to do your PH before you mix that up. It turns the water to a milky color; no way to judge after that.

Also, you may notice my empty soda bottles. The things work great for getting water tight around the rim of the pot making sure those roots are fed. If your a new grower, you'll see; if you do not water around the edges religiously enough, a heavy water will result in 50% just dumping right out the bottom since the soil is dried and cannot hold any moisture. In other words, it will take you a shit load longer to water/feed them as you have to take it real slow and re-hydrate that soil. Real pain in the arse if you already have humidity to battle and your dumping a bunch of water onto your floor straight through your plants. trust me, good watering habits will help in time management.



Well-Known Member
Wow, very nice grow bro! I like your setup and you have a wife that smokes with you too? That's dank as fuck ha. +rep. Check out my grow as well, just started it and I'm trying 12/12 from seed. I'm subbed to this thread now bongsmilie


Active Member
Wow, very nice grow bro! I like your setup and you have a wife that smokes with you too? That's dank as fuck ha. +rep. Check out my grow as well, just started it and I'm trying 12/12 from seed. I'm subbed to this thread now bongsmilie
Thanks for the rep man...Heading over your threads way now....peace.


Active Member
Quick water today. 5gallons at 6.4PH and light nutes (approx 25% of FoxFarms Rec.) and will slowly work up to higher dosing now.
Soil is keeping much better moisture now, plants can go for three days between water. I don't want them to go that long, so every couple days may be in order as the bottom of the pots are fairly dry.
Couple pics...not sure if a difference is even noticeable.



Looking good man! Buds are coming along nicely.
Whats the deal with hard crusty soil in a day from watering? That's what i'm experiencing at the moment.