2nd Grow looking for suggestions


Active Member
Ok so I guess I'll start off by describing my first grow the mistakes i made then describe what I plan to do on my second grow. I have some questions and any additional suggestions on top of that are greatly apreciated!!!

For my first grow I used seeds from a bag of shwag as my test run. i used miracle grow soil and some random plant nurtient for roots. Well first off I didn't realize there were soils with time released nutrients. So the fact taht I added nutrients to the water and judging by pics I;ve seen posted I had a serious case of nute burn. I also got excited when they first started showin real signs of lifeand over watered. Not to mention I left them in the small pots far too long.

2nd Grow: I got some much better seeds from an online store. I'm going for a 40 minute drive tomorrow to get some Fox Farm ocean foresr. Since I was going with the soil I figured their nutes would be the way to go and got the 3 pak tiger bloom, grow big and big bloom. I have floresents for veg and a 400W HPS for flowering. I've also gotten bigger pots topped off wit a 5 gallon bucket (holes drilled for drainage).

Anyone know the ratio for these nutes as far as like a drop per gallon of each during veg and flower? Molasses yes or no ifso how much? What's so great about fox farm soil, I mean if it doesn't have all those time realeased nutrients isn't dirt dirt? Is 5 gallons overkill? I'd dont really want to have to order more seeds for a while so I'd like to either impregnate one of my ladies for seeds, or clone the best female. Which method is prefered for sustained growing...I've read cloning for long periods leads to weaker plants and are slower then seeds, but on the plus side I'd never deal with a male again. Lastly... is the sea of green the best approach for high yields... sea of green, growing huge trees or somethin else, andif it is sea of green about howlogn shouldi wait between startin each set of plants?

Any answers and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
1.the ratio should be on the package but make sure to start off with at most half what the bottle says
2.i don't use molasses personally and i don't see anything wrong with my babes, so i'd say its just a hassel
3. i haven't used fox farm, but spending a little more on your soils is good; if you can: pH test it, add some organics to it, add some perlite or vermiculite for drainage, and add rocks to the bottem of your container, you'll prob need some lime
4. 5 gal is perfect thats what i use and the more space you give the roots the bigger you plant will get, make sure u got holes in the bottom
5. cloning is your god, get good at it and trust it
6. keep a mother then u wont get variations from over-cloning
7. if you don't have a pl;ant count sea of green is the way to go, don't top or prune, fit as many of those fucking 5-gals as u can in there and watch them grow.
8. if you're doin sea of green have three cycles, the first of your clones getting ready for veg under some flourescents, veggers, and your flowering gals.
have fun and good luck brotha


Active Member
thanx for the info.

how long can you keep a mother alive for, and how big does itget ordo u need to prune to keep its size in check>?


Well-Known Member
keep it on 18/6 or 24 and itll go theradicly forever and could get very large over time, but usually i dont like giveing my mothers too much light, keep as small and convinient as possible