2nd grow started, auto, cfl


Active Member
thanks for looking, was starting to think i wasnt doing good lol, i have the hydro and the biggest auto top69 in 5 gallon buckets, and the rest in alot smaller ones, not really sure on the size, yea my thought was that i was going to have little like 10 or 12 inch plants with single cola but this top69 is getting huge at least a foot and a half now and at least that wide too, and only around 6 weeks old, has like 10 top bud sites, when i first started the nutes i could tell they didnt really like it , got a few spots on some leaves but about a week later they were fine and took off, im probley going to get some more autos soon for a scrog, maybe 4 with a hps,,,,, and i have to say with this grow and my last grow cfls work really good, i always here about then not producing dence buds but my first grow i got about an oz and a half off one plant about 2 feet tall and it was some really nice buds, i got pix of my first grow if anyone wants to see


Active Member
i have one auto on 18/6 and one 12/12 so ill let yall no how much of a difference in yield there is, cause i been hearing how much 12/12 will decrease the yield in autos, so i thought i would just see how much difference there really is


Active Member
i was thinking about it but i only got 2 places to grow right now, bout to get a tent soon and will be able to


Active Member
well from what the website said its got about 3 weeks left, not sure, probley longer, what yall think?

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