2nd indoor grow - all organic from seeds

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
I have been reading as much as I can and finally read enough to make me want to start making my own seeds (breeding) for an end goal of finding 2-3 strains that will grow inside my grow room AND outside here at my new home i purchased (38degrees Cali).

However, after learning my first grow I don't really want to use clones from the dispensary, I bought several strains of fem seeds from different breeders to find clones. I don't want to mess with herms and don't want to ever breed them, so I have a new strategy I implemented a few days ago:

I am going to grow a bunch of my fem seeds and a couple 10 reg plants (2 strains) all together. I plan on making clones of the reg plants and once I flower all I will remove all males after picking a fav and flower all the girls. The sexiest girl from each strain will mate with the best male (or each male if I really want to go all out) of the same strain to begin my bean producing journey:blsmoke:

Fem seeds starting:
Dinafem - Blue Hash x 5 (4 hatched)
Nirvana - Bubblelicious x 10 (9 hatched)
World of Seeds - Afghan Kush x 12 (11 hatched)
Kannabia - White Domina x 5 (5 hatched)
De Sjamaan - Intense Skunk x 5 (5 hatched)

Reg seeds:
Delta9 Labs - CannaSutra x 5 (5 hatched....slowly)
Cali Connection - Tahoe OG Kush x 5 (2 hatched so far, but maybe another 1-2 by days end i'm hoping)


The Mantis

Well-Known Member
Sorry for delay....I've been busy fucking off kind of. I just used fox farm ocean forest for soil now in the little pots. In about a week or two, I'll transplant them all into the earthboxes inside my grow room using ocean forest again, a cup or two of happy frog 5-5-5 in a trench, and some lime. That's it, pretty simple and it worked before. I have way too much adhd to add ferts and compounds, etc., so I'm just using the easiest, simplest approach that works for me. So far, so good and hopefully I can find a strain or 3 that works well with my approach. I'm starting my own compost now and will hopefully never buy soil again after this next indoor grow.

Nothing changed from before - 41 of my 47 seeds sprouted. That's 87% but if you take away Tahoe OG, you're at 39 of 42 (93%) which is pretty good.


I have my free fem seed - Fruity Chronic Juice - that is doing well in the other room with the small flowering clones I took off the Pineapple Thai I have outside. Hopefully I can get them to root because this stuff is absolute fire and I want to try some inside. I'm going to start to journal this now and will try to update once a week and will post vids once I start veg.

grow 003.jpg

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
The 2 clones are on the left....really small. Just cloned yesterday so it will prob be another week or so until the roots show. The big one on the right is the fruity chronic juice (fem) from seed. I don't know why the branching is not even. Perhaps I stressed it too much keeping it small in the cup too long?


Well-Known Member
I've got white domina and blue hash seeds! they are two of the ones i'm most excited to grow. and i'm from Indiana where bubblegum was first developed! so i'm really interested in all three of those. i'll follow ya to see how they turn out. can i ask why the bubblicious? i haven't picked a bubblegum strain yet to try and i have to try at least one to honor the homeland, so why did you pick the bubblicious and not one of the other bubblegum strains? i'm just trying to narrow down my choice
Sounds good,Dinafem - Blue Hash x 5 (4 hatched)
Nirvana - Bubblelicious x 10 (9 hatched)
World of Seeds - Afghan Kush x 12 (11 hatched)


The Mantis

Well-Known Member
My gf loves bubblegum and picked the strain. We looked online and there were two breeders of the strain to choose from, then I picked the cheaper one which was Nirvana.

However after buying the seeds and reading more here on breeding, seeds, etc., I have to admit that I'm not as interested on growing the femonized strains as I once was. I will definitely enjoy the variety and smoking them once, but I will not clone any of them or breed them.

I started transplanting them to their final containers yesterday and will post new picks in the next couple days. I will also start a video on www.YouTube.com/themedgrow in about 2 weeks when I flower.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan, but I see a problem coming. If you use fem seed females as your seed carriers, your gonna have hermie issues messing with those femed seeds. I would go with reg all the way!! Fem seeds are for 1 purpose only, to grow out a pack of seeds without much varience, and no males to deal with. They are not made to be used in breeding projects. If you use fem seeds for breeders, you gonna be sorrry,.

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
Thanks Wheez, I'm planning on only mating the reg seeds. I'm just gonna grow out all the fems to just use them up - then I will never patronize fem seed producers again!

I'll post pics later today once I get the grow room all set up

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
Here's the slightly new setup. My contractor friend couldn't make it in town and I got impatient, so I did only a few minor changes and moved a light and fan etc. The ventilation is great though and with the cool weather coming I should be fine without the insulation upgrades.


Some Tahoe OG day 2 under shps 18hrs


These sprouts (1st pic) are from my Haze x Cheese breeding (2nd pic) that is still growing upstairs:

Hazee 1&2.jpgHazee Preggers w Cheese.jpg

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
Updated pics with my good camera. I shot the best looking plant from each strain I'm growing. All are about 3 days under super hps 1000w (except fruity chronic juice - free seed). Tallest one is an Afghan Kush 19.5" from the ground. Earthboxes are 10" tall.

Afgan Kushak 10.17.jpg Blue Hashbh 10.17.jpg CannaSutracs 10.17.jpg HC (haze x cheese) just pluggedhb 10.17.jpg

Intense Skunkis 10.17.jpg Tahoe OG Kushog 10.17.jpg White Dominawd 10.17.jpg

Plus here's a better pic of the preggers Haze (x cheese)preggers Hazee.jpg

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
In a rush about to leave but here's a couple pics from this morning....

Look at the width so far on the OG Kush. It's amost twice as thick as some of the other plants at the same age.
og stem .375.jpg

Here's a couple pics of the OG Kush and the CannaSutra after FIM'ing this morning:

og fim'ed1.jpgOG cannasutra fim'ed.jpgCannaSutra

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
I veg'ed them all for 25 days. Here's the latest pics after 10 days of flowering.

Afghan Kushak 10days.jpg Blue Hashbh 10days.jpg Bubbleliciousbub 10days.jpg

CannaSutracs 10days.jpg HazeXCheesehb 10days.jpg Intense Skunkis 10days.jpg

OG Kushog 10days.jpg Pineapple Thaipt 10days.jpg White Dominawd 10days.jpg

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
Day 14 update:

Found a male Tahoe OG Kush. I chopped it down but have clones. Now I can make f2's.

og male flower day 14.jpgog male flower day 14 close up.jpg

Here's the female Tahoe OG:

og flower day14.jpg

And the CannaSutra (two diff pheno's at least. The tall sativa ones (3 female) and 2 short indica looking ones (1male/1female). I chopped the male last week but have clones of it also.

cs1 flower day 14.jpgcs 3&4 flower day 14.jpg

The whole room:

grow2 flower day 14.jpg

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
Macro pic update day 31:

ak 31days.jpgAfghan Kush bh 31days.jpgBlue Hash bub 31days.jpgBubblelicious

cs5 31days.jpgCannaSutra #5 fcj 31days.jpgFruity Chronic Juice (freebie) is 31days.jpgIntense Skunk

og 31days.jpgTahoe OG Kush pt 31days.jpgPineapple Thai wd 31days.jpg White Domina

The fruity chronic juice smells just like juicy fruit gum - it's amazing. I'm going to try to clone it. In fact, it is tied for "best smelling" so far with the pineapple. Both smell good enough to eat right off the branch.