I have a question.... Have you grown the AuroraBerry strain yet?
hi m8, im growing 1 bluberry skunk and i wanna take cuttings from it and then either scrog or sog about 12 plants in a space of 4x6 , wat u rekon will they fit, and are they ok to topp ect and im at week 2.5 veg now, wen u rekons the best time to take my cuttings, do u rekon i could take em as they appear or shud i wait till shes fully loaded with cutts. anyway nice grow you did m8, glad i found this thread iv been looking since i germinatd for a few pics, oh and wat sort of yield per plant does the blueskunk seem to produce, un topped and topped m8 cheers.
hey whats up my friend! I recommend topping because this grow I didn't and my yield was smaller than my first grow with Blueberry Skunk in which I topped..but as far as taking cuttings..I am not an expert on that..but I would think it would be best to do after you have 5 or so internodes..or 4 or so weeks of vegging.. as far as your scrog i think that area will be fine for 12 plants..you will have to put a link on here so I can follow your grow..I will be interested to watch it! any questions I will give it my best to answer for ya..talk to ya later..![]()
for xmas and the new year superman been so busy with life, family and my garden so i havnt been around that much also had a low flying helicopter which made my heart rate increase to about 200 beats a minute and our digital camera got smashed so i havent had any pics for you.but what i can tell you is that strawberry cough is a massive plant big long arms,should get a new camera in a week or so just in time for some bud porn my friend.all the best for 2009 and lots more
hey man! Happy New Year to you too! yeah life has its days for sure...sorry about your camera..and dang i bet that helicopter did make your heart beat fast..are your grows mostly outside?..i plan to grow a couple outdoors next year..plan to put them out like oh late june i guess...I dont want them getting to monsterous..just need enough for me..lol..but yeah I am excited about the strawberry cough..are they flowering yet? if so hows the smell..
sweet man luv outdoors,i used to do outdoors but to risky what i was doing big #s so indoor now but the heli was so low like nothing i have seen before and just like doing a grid search, hovering and really slow,not good for the heart. all the strains are really nice not far away and they all smell different and look different.you know how i had no room left before well that was nothing or have you seen the brazilian rainforest well i have named mine DRIFTERS JUNGLE. LMAO
hey pirate..how bout u come and steal me..lol..how you been? ready for that Aurora Berry..I have been thinking about how the buds are going to look...can't wait to see..since its seeds from a first cross I imagine each plant may carry diff. traits of each strain..but still the combination should be awesome either way!!..yummy
oh yeah I am excited too..I am looking forward to both Southern and Cinderella...probably will do them both in a grow..atleast the Southern...do you have any info on that or about the Texas cup? i tried looking it up but couldn't find anything..must be an underground thing..I want to do a scrog on my next grow..but if I do so then I will need to use Fem seeds since I dont have access to clones..but i dont know...if not I will do some southern..lemon skunk fem..and maybe strawberry cough fem..i am thinking of maybe trying to get like Arjan's Haze or Super Silver Haze for one of my outdoor plants this summer..i love Haze highs...couch locks are my least fav..i like to be active and deeply in thoughts with energy..
that super silver haze looks like the shit i would luv to do that strain i think it would just luv the outdoors to grow a tree for next xmas.it has quite a long flowering period hasnt it?
I have only been to one cup, there were ppl from hightimes there but it wasnt mainstream. more under wraps stuff.