2nd Loryder PC Grow


Active Member
its pretty small I have a link to my first grow not the first page of this thread that shows my PC and the dimensions


Active Member
I Already had problems with the first two sets of leave that I have cut off now and you can see in the post above. Now the remaining healthy bottom leaves NO longer look healthy and are very dried up and done for in the discolored area's CAN ANYONE OFFER ANY ADVICE I haven't given any Nutes since I noticed the first discoloration on the leaves, Could it be a Fungi problem?



Active Member
My bottom fan leaves have started to dry up and here are pics can anyone point me in the right direction



Well-Known Member
my first instinct based on ur pics tells me u need to be using a calmag type product & lighten up on the nitrogen...or ur NPK formula. r u monitoring ur ph?


I would stop feeding, give her a flush.. I usually don't start feeding autos til after they show sex. Since there's virtually no veg time for these plants, there's enough nutrients in the soil to get it through til flowering. But that's when I transplant to bigger pot with more fresh soil, so I don't give autos much food at all. Imo, with AFs less is more..
I agree with HENDERSHOT, defintely give your plant a flush. As I see from your picture is that you dont have holes in the bottom of the pot, so the excess water has no where to leave. The worst you can expect is root rot, and this is what it is looking like. AGAIN COMPLETELY DRAIN THE SOIL with water. If you still have any spare spoil put it in new soil and see what happens. Don't ever water your plant untill soil is dry on surface or it will lead up to root rot.


Can i ask you one question..as i understand you did 1 intake fane at the top of box and 1 exhaust fan at the side of the box and this is enaught to cool your box???


Let the inducing begin on 12/12 lighting. Also was curious it when it shows sex if I should then put it back on 18/6 at some point
Well since the plant's traits are leaning more toward it being a photoperiod, it would probably revert back to veg...maybe go to to 12/12 until you see pistils, then go back to 18/6. If you don't see any significant bud growth within a week, you'll have to flower under 12/12 the whole way.
Where did you get your seeds? I've grown like 7 different strains of afs and every one has sexed by day 21 at the latest..