2nd week of flower growth stoped.

So like I have said in the past this is my first grow and don't know if it's my lack of not knowing the rate of a grow but is seems like all my growth has stopped. I have 156w clf watts. ffos and temps are 72 to 77. Plants about 2 inches from lights. This is a auto plant. Thinks I got about 2 or 3 weeks left. But don't look like I'm going to get much off this little lady. Any help would be nice.



New Member
I would say you have closer to 4-6 weeks left. It's probably adjusting its root system, give it time. autos are different than photo plants.


Ya pal, don't believe the package when it says flowering time. You seem to have a long ways yet to go. Your plant looks really healthy so congrats! But your flowering time will be 6weeks more at least.
Was hoping for New Years buds but I can wait. been like 7 years or so since I smoked so I can wait more. Thinking about popping in another seed to get it started. Got 7 more. Until I order more. Not going to go auto's when I finsh the ones I got.


Ya the only problem with autos is they only will get so big but they are not to difficult to perfect so it's kind of a win win. Especially if they are feminized!

If you don't buy autos again you can allow your plant to get a big as you want in vegetation and that will seriously increase your yield!

keep patient. It'll be worth the wait :) and ya, in the meantime, pop a couple more beans and focus on getting them to the size of this girl and you'll forget all about her and she'll be ready in no time!