2pt, 3pt, 12 bottles really?

VitaGrow. Three parts.

1. Part A = Micronutrient blend
2. Part B = Calcium nitrate
3. Part C = Monopotassium phosphate

There is absolutely no need to be using a dozen overpriced bottles of watered down chemical salts. The cannabis specific nutrient industry is nothing but a money grab. Only cannabis growers pay the outrageous prices and buy a dozen bottles with fancy labels and cool names. Not all cannabis growers but those that have never grown anything else. Anyone that has ever done any gardening knows feeding a cannabis plant is not complicated. If you can grow a tomato you can grow cannabis. It's not special. The cannabis specific nutrient industry has done a good job with marketing products you don't need and convincing naive growers they need fairy dust and unicorn shit to grow good pot. You don't. The same techniques and feeding used for a variety of other crops can be applied to growing cannabis. Cannabis is one of the easiest plants to grow.
What about microbes and bloom boosters?


Any decent one, two, or three part nutrient will have everything you need. Most bloom boosters are just monopotassium phosphate. As for microbes, any decent soil will already be teeming with microbes. If you're growing hydro or in coco you don't need them. I know they sell them but that's just another example of nutrient companies targeting cannabis growers with products they don't need.

Regardless, it's not my money so spend away. I can guarantee that I grow just as good of weed with my simple nutrients than those that have bought into the marketing nonsense. In fact my grows are better than most of those using every product they can get their hands on. I've seen their grows in the marijuana plant problems section. Burnt up crispy leaves, crappy looking plants, and the first thing they ask is "What else can I dump on my plants to screw them up?".
Ok, so I've used two different brands of chemicals. Both had a lot of bottles. I'm interested in 2pt and 3pt, but it seems you still have more parts still. What's everyone using?

I use the Flora base series (3 bottles, if you will) for my hydro grows, both DWC and coco. Fox Farm for soil grows, Happy Frog and Ocean Forest and again I use their 3-part base or three bottles. Both make all kinds of supplements, which I haven't used. This is my third year. I'm still learning.

My nutrients are not what holds me back from growing MORE, BIGGER, BETTER. Maybe one day.

...fairy dust and unicorn shit

OK, never mind. Dude, fairy dust and unicorn shit? I'm in.
You can just use a citrus avocado type fertilizer to start and a flower/bloom fert to fiish. Stuff made for fruit trees etc, no need to buy marijuana fertilizers.

Any decent one, two, or three part nutrient will have everything you need. Most bloom boosters are just monopotassium phosphate. *******As for microbes, any decent soil will already be teeming with microbes. If you're growing hydro or in coco you don't need them. I know they sell them but that's just another example of nutrient companies targeting cannabis growers with products they don't need.

Regardless, it's not my money so spend away. I can guarantee that I grow just as good of weed with my simple nutrients than those that have bought into the marketing nonsense. In fact my grows are better than most of those using every product they can get their hands on. I've seen their grows in the marijuana plant problems section. Burnt up crispy leaves, crappy looking plants, and the first thing they ask is "What else can I dump on my plants to screw them up?".

******citation needed
...Any decent one, two, or three part nutrient will have everything you need.

So the question is "What is everything you need?" for one-thousand dollars, Alex.

If the answer is "nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium" then that's what is in the two series I'm using. General Hydroponics says their stuff is a trade secret but Fox Farms was more forthcoming, stating on their data sheet that their "Big Bloom" contained tricalcium phosphate, fossilized bat guano,seabird guano, sulfate of potash magnesia, sodium chloride, marine algae and earthworm castings.

******citation needed


https://hydroponics.net/item-documents/General Hydroponics/MSDS/FloraGro.pdf

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Same thing as most plants. It's already settled science. Anything more is just unnecessary stuff pushed on cannabis growers that don't know any better.

There are 16 elements essential to growth of crop plants:

Supplied by air and water: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

Macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium

Secondary Nutrients: calcium, magnesium, sulfur

Micronutrients: boron (B), chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn).

Notice that chlorine is listed as a micronutrient? People worrying about chlorine in the water are worrying over nothing.
Sweet candy
Bud explosion

the end
The manufacturer makes other additives but even tells you they are unnecessary
Same exact thing here. And as an added plus; if you blast them with 4g/gal MC and 1g/gal Sweet Candy right from the start, it does an excellent job of defoliating your lower leaves. I did that, and burnt all of mine to a crisp. Lol. Halved my dose, and it's looking better than before with my old nutes. Good, inexpensive stuff....

I think his "microbe" info is not up to date. Hes not spot on. Can you read ?

You think his info is "not up to date?" What??

He said:

As for microbes, any decent soil will already be teeming with microbes

Any decent soil will be teaming with microbes? TRUE. Here's a citation:

You don't need to read past the first line but I'll paste it in here anyway: "Soil microorganisms exist in large numbers in the soil as long as there is a carbon source for energy."
Megacrop, a little epsom and ph up/down. All you need. Less is more. Have used the Lucas method too and that worked well.