2wks to go!!!


CAM01964.jpg CAM01964.jpg CAM01966.jpg CAM01968.jpg CAM01965.jpg CAM01961.jpg CAM01966.jpg start of 6th wk flowering! 400w hps. 4 bagseed females....... chopping in 2wks! the anticipation is painfull! lol..... my first "completed" grow and i only got better :clap:


and they smell soooooo good! question..... ok so im in a soilless mix and really dont know when to stop nutes and flush. im gettin conflicting answers from all over! now mind you i love the energetic head high and when i go to look at the trichs what should i be looking for? milky? non milky? amber? etc....


Well-Known Member
Clear, milky amber, I would wait for a healthy mix of all three... Depends on how you want your end product.....?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Well it's not a recommendation but Amber = thc degradation sooo lol. I pull when cloudy and very little Amber. I look at the whole picture as well. When growth stops, water uptake stops, fade sets in, it all adds up to a finished product IMO.


Active Member
Dont cut off nutrition at this critical stage. Just keep feeding bloom and drop any extra suppliments gradually. During the last weeks you can drop bloom nutes to maybe half strength or use a good tea instead. My last run was no flush and was just as good as runs I did flush. Remember the harshness and flavor dramatically increase with a proper 7 day dry and 1 month cure. Thats where the real patience comes in!


Well-Known Member
yeah don't flush, flushing is retarded it doesn't make it anymore harsh or taste any different, I normally give my plain water the last 3 days but other then that no actual flush, taste comes from curing.

But your plants look good and frosty but don't look like they have been growing for six weeks, they look pretty early, they look they have an easy 4 weeks to go, If you don't have a scope I would get one, I almost pulled a bunch of my plants because they looked done and scoped them and they still had a few weeks to go, if you pull it early you will lack everything including the high but not only that but you will lose a good 20-30% of your yield comes in the last 2-3 weeks. Happy growing and good luck.

Next time I would also not keep the lights so high if that was the case or the type of light you used because it has a ton of stretch, it looks like my plants I started flowering when they were only six inchs tall, they will be done in a few weeks :)