2x AK-47 Reg / 1x LSD Fem / 1x Blueberry Auto Fem


So welcome to my family house. On 31-st of March I've got 4 successful germs, first 2 to germinate was 2 AK-47 seeds, which seemed really big compared to other Hawaiian Snow Fem and LSD Fem and as we see in nature 'the bigger' means 'the stronger'. Soon enough my LSD germinated too, so i decided not to wait and get them growing and planted em. Next day HS germinated too, but it was very slight germination, I planted her too.

In few days my AK-47 (especialy one) was growing very nice and fast, I was very satisfied with em, but I couldn't see my LSD growing so I decided that she died and failed to grow in soil (i used ecological soil, just bought some in shop, seemed good enough) so I planted another seed just in soil, lettin her germinate there, ofc gave water. Then just another day I saw my LSD and Hawaiian snow growing, I was very happy. Seemed like planting seed in soil is way much better than germinating them in towel. Anyway, after few days my HS died, dunno why, but as I saw from begging she was quite weak, so I decide that it was just ill plant, hoping it wasn't my fault. Now I have 2 nicely growing AK-47 reg. and 1 LSD growing nicely, btw after few days of my seeds poped out of soil another poped out. Just then i figured out that that one germinated successfuly and i planted 2 at a same time in one boul. So anyway, i've got to get rid off her, sadly as it is :( Now i gave my one free bowl a Blueberry Autoflowering [Dutch passion] seed, cauze i thought that i need at least one indica to see how they are growing.

This is my first successful planting so I hope it to go well. I dont have any cool equipment and such, so I go with my table lamp, and for now it seems cool, but i dunno what future brings :(

i will have to move out from my home in north europe to greece in about a month so I'm growing them not for fruits, but for experimention.

So now the questions:
1) Should i begging givin em neutrions and other sh1t?
2) What future do u predict for ma babies? Will they die cauze of lack of light?
3) Does anybody knows how's it's with growing ur own plants in greece? (I mean in southern islands of theirs)

Here's some pics:



My pathetic lamp is on the 3rd picture :( sad but true, but it gives similiar light spectre of HPS, so maybe thats good, I dont know really. Should I change it to something different (at least 200 W?) because i dont think that my table lamp has at least 100 W


Bump, the Blueberry is up already and I'm happy to see her entering the world! So far so good, all plants look healthy and happy. So what a suggestions for a lamp?


Day 11
LSD Fem. and 2x AK-47 Reg. has a weak stem and I'm afraid, that i kept light too high maybe (about 30~40 cm's.) and it was weak so they didnt got too much of a light for themselves and need a little bit of an assistant. But I'm just assuming this is the problem maybe I am wrong?


I am watering my babies every two days with about 300-500 ml. of water, keeping my water steady for at least 24 hours to give it to :weed:. Also assuming they are getting really too less of a light I built some ghetto style white reflect walls and planing of getting at least some CFL ligths and build a box.

3rd day of:

The younger one about a Blueberry, she's grown a little tall, but now again I'm moving lights really near too keep as much light as I can and to not grow plants very tall, how she looks u can look at pics, tell me what u think


No nutes for no flowers now, not thinking that I should go with nutes still, should I?