2x2x4 growbox. HELP w/LIGHTING


Well-Known Member
If you have your HID get your plants under it. They will be happy to have more light.

Switching them from a couple CFL's to a 1000W HPS is a different story. You're only switching to a 250w. They will be fine


Active Member
Hey dude, good luck with your grow. I have a stealth cab with about the same dimensions(29x19x48"). Heres what I'm doing, maybe it will help. the underlined aspects of my grow are some things to think about in your design"

I'm using a 250 watt HPS with a digital ballast (lumnatek), the ballast is housed outside the cab (its got long cables so works great).

To bring up a point someone mentioned before, it looks like a dresser from the front, so i had to secure the drawers so they wouldnt slide out(removed the drawers mounts/backing and just drilled into them from the inside) so i have a door i made on the back with hinges, for access to cab. cuz of this, i had top put some wheels on it, so i added some wood to the bottom to hold the wheel housing. this lifted my whole dresser by about 7 inches. I then cut out a hole in the bottom of my dresser for my resevoir (im doing DWC hydro) and put a few supporting wiood pieces aross the hole secured to the ends of the wheel supports. this lets the tank drop down about 5-6 inches, giving me that much more room. my light fixture is 7" high, so i basically nulled it.

finally, since the bottom of my cab has a big hole in it, i just have one big exhaust fan from loewes set up at the top, blowing out that back door (i bought a lil 98 cent vent). its almost identical to this one:


this is the one thing i spent some money on, its the quietest and most silent bathroom fan, but it pulls out alot of air. a little wiring is required, but coupled with the hole in the bottom, i get a nice circular airflow, which has kept the temps at around 80-81 degrees. the inside of the cab is painted flat white, and for the top part that holds the plants over the resevoir,i use a piece of white styrfoam board cut to the EXACT interior dimesons of my cab, so that no light drops down and out that hole in the bottom, lighting up my floor and eliminating the "strealth" aspect of my grow.

so ive got 4 plants going, using LST method, and so far, so good!

so i hope some of these ideas help with your set-up. the design always evolves as you grow in 'em. good luck!:blsmoke:


Active Member
everyone here has had good advice but from what I go with the 250 mh/hps.
And if you can afford it defiently get a cool tube.


Well-Known Member
im makeing a cab about the same as ur's..going to be useing 2x400watters to see if it's going to work: going to split the box with glass to keep heat out..then move me girls up and down insted of the light..going to put a big ass fan sucking out the heat and use smaller fans in the cab..that way i can use co2 in the cab with out it heating up...its going to be a ebb and flow sog..only a few plants every one to two weeks..indica bagseed strain....u can do the same with a cool tube but it has to have its own in/out fans that dont suck air out the cab.good luck and peace..