2x4x8 tent fan


Well-Known Member
Trying to decide if I should go with the 6 in fan with max cfm of 330 or 8 in max cfm 500. I know 6 in is overkill but not sure if the 8 in would be quieter? plus it can get pretty hot in the summer, not sure if extra cfm would be needed requiring the 8 in? they are same fan, just diff size. TIA

edit- will be using led as well


Active Member
I went with the 8 but I find it sucks just a bit too much air even with a fan speed controller dialed all the way down. I'd definitely go with a 6".
Your grow space is also a fair bit small than mine and I have 1200watts of lights.


Well-Known Member
With led you will be able to turn the 6" right down no problem. 8" I'd recommend if you were doing hps, otherwise not worth it.


Well-Known Member
i would go with 6 inch or even a 4 inch since your doing led. however if you decide you wanna go hps, i would go for the 8 inch. 6 inch on full speed sounds like a vacuum cleaner constantly on.. a 8 inch on full speed im sure is louder.. but you can dial it down to make it quiet.. if it gets "hot" in the summer, you gonna have to cool the room your tent is in so it doesnt get hot..


Well-Known Member
Trying to decide if I should go with the 6 in fan with max cfm of 330 or 8 in max cfm 500. I know 6 in is overkill but not sure if the 8 in would be quieter? plus it can get pretty hot in the summer, not sure if extra cfm would be needed requiring the 8 in? they are same fan, just diff size. TIA

edit- will be using led as well
Since you are going for LED go with a 6in fan, I have one and yes they are loud. About +70dB, louder then my tv. (the box of the fan said it should be doing only 52dB)
So I needed to get a fan controller, this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BXJYO6I/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 if you buy a fan controller it NEEDS to be a Vairac transformer cause the cheaper ones "The Speedsters" controllers make the fan hum, and kills the long term life of it.

EDIT: Also the noise is not really exactly coming out of the fan, but the noise is made by the air moving, so if noise is a problem look into insulted ducting for that also.

I use it in my 2x4x5 tent, the 6in is pretty powerful and I never even run it at full speed because of the noise. (I use my fan to air cool my reflector too)


Well-Known Member
Wow, great replies and a lot! Thanks guys, I appreciate it, and thanks for the tip on the speed controllers. I had a feeling the 8 in was overkill, well ill probably go with the 6 in then and dial it down. also gonna get some insulated ducting to further muffle the noise. also forgot to mention I will have a carbon filter. thanks again guys, looking to start up real soon :)