2x600 hps ebb & flow. Chronic, Grapegod, and Bluecheese. Single cola SOG.


Active Member
Hey hornedfrog was brain storming a sog setup it crazy shit lol
Setup would be 4x8 tent with x2 600hps lights
X2 flood tables ID. Of each is 48in x48in with the use of 4in delta blocks you can get 144 in each table, say you go
3 to 5 days from transplant and flip to 12/12 you with no problem should get 7grams a plant x 288 = 2016 grams
Divide 28 into that = 72 ounces = just short of 5 pounds

Its alot of numbers but the numbers dont lie lol
And just think if you hit half ounce a plant dry! = 10 pounds :)
No way. This is like my setup exactly... Well almost, Im slowly working towards it. I have a 4x8 tent now but im still using half of it as a veg side. Once i get a mother tent im gonna make both sides flower and switch from soil to ebb&flow. I have a 600w and a 400w I was also gonna get another 600w and put them all on light movers but side by side so they move at the same time if that makes sense and have the 400 in the middle as a MH to get mixed spectrums.

Im using 7in pots now but I was thinking of getting smaller pots and having no veg time at all. This kinda got me really stoked just now as I just upgraded to a bigger grow and really didnt know what to expect.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if its ok to post this, but thought it was relevant to my thread. This is what Chronic is capable of. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=12653&page=1&pp=15

When I picked my mother plant out it was unreal how it seemed the buds just kept growing. The calyxes would literally form over the top of new ones over, and over. They just kept getting bigger/fuller. It really is a great strain. I'm kind of thinking about grabbing some ak-47 from them as well.


Well-Known Member
I think I pretty much killed most of my clones. I was keeping them way too wet in the rapid rooters. I knew I was, but for some reason kept doing it... I wish that aero cloner would work like it did the first few times.
buddy of mine did the same thing. gotta resist the urge to soak them. Damp is all they need...soaked cubes don't get O2, no O2, no roots = death of clone. But I feel ya on the cloning woes...had some myself when I started. It's just trial and error until you find a system that works for your situation.


Well-Known Member
buddy of mine did the same thing. gotta resist the urge to soak them. Damp is all they need...soaked cubes don't get O2, no O2, no roots = death of clone. But I feel ya on the cloning woes...had some myself when I started. It's just trial and error until you find a system that works for your situation.
Its messed up because I had good success with the aero cloner, then I started getting pythium, and all that crap. Now my mother plants are getting weak stems to make things even worse.


Well-Known Member

Have some plants looking a little yellow. Not sure if the N is a little low or what. I bumbed up the Grow nutes a little bit to see if that helps. I'll probably change the Res on Wed. Anyone know why some leaves are canoing, or tacoing?


Rebel From The North


Well-Known Member
Most the time I see it in room that are to hot! Whats your ppm at? And room temps

Room temp is around 68. under the light its probably a little warmer. I was reading maybe the light was too close...? I had it about a foot away. My ppm is right at 1000 right now, but only because I added another 1ml per gallon of water of grow formula. It would otherwise be around 750 probably.


Well-Known Member
sucks about your clones. as for the "tacoing" it could be too hot and/or dry in the room. (leafs are looking for water in the air). those clones in the table probly just want a higher dose of N. also are you giveing them any CAL/MAG? could have something to do with it aswell if your not, cannabis loves it and when clones start out they always seem to lack it..at least IMO. they look great by the way.


Well-Known Member
I'm giving them Mag pro. The grow formula has a good bit of Calcium in it. I'll change the res tomorrow, and up the grow to 3ml per gallon instead of 2ml. The RH is right around 40%, so that shouldn't be an issue. I could use to be a little higher, but probably not a big deal.


Well-Known Member
yeah then its not the RH..to tell the truth i dont even see "tacoing" in the pics, other then a lil yellow they look really nice.


Well-Known Member
I didn't really take a pic of it. The one pic of the top shows a little bit of it, but not much. I read if a light is too. Not from heat, but too much light...? Never had that issue before though. I hope the yellow goes away pretty soon...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I think they are starting to look a bit better. The tops aren't so yellow, and the new growth is a bit greener. I just changed out the res when I get home. Went with 3ml protekt, 3ml grow, and 1ml of magpro. The clones are growing so fricking fast now its crazy. I would say just under 1/2" a day. I plan on flipping the light next Wednesday, but I'll see how tall they are at that point. A few of them are really lagging behind, but seem to be growing finally.