3,000 watts per 4x8 tray? Holy shit BATMAN!

So I am in the works of building another flower room to house 24 plants divided into three 4x8 trays on elevated tables (about 20" off the floor) with pvc scrog framing for each tray. My ceilings are 10' and the room is 30' wide and 20' deep with a veg/nursery room on the backside of this flower room. I usually build rooms to where every square inch is used, but I'm getting older (or maybe just lazy) and having to crawl around on my hands and knees to hand water is getting old. Yeah I could go with an automated watering system and trust me I've looked into it, hell I actually own enough automated water equipment to water half the Oregon coast, but I haven't used it due to some of my mixes being a bit thick in consistancy. Anyways I want paths to where if I turn quickly I'm not worried about ripping a branch off behind me or breaking branches as I walk thru to water the back half. So I figured if I spaced out my tables a couple feet apart I would be able to walk around freely and have all the room in the world for AC, dehumidifier, res, etc that's usually on the ground and cramped.

The nice thing about having your tables so close together is the light footprint overlaps and each table gets its own light plus some of the table next to it's light too. I usually run two 1,000 watt lights per 4x8 table due to the fact that each 1,000 has a footprint of about 4x4 with the hoods I use. Well now that I am spacing the tables out to where any light that doesn't hit the table will only hit the walkway and not the table next to it. So if three 1,000 watters too much? I've seen it done a couple of times, but haven't seen the results just still pictures or a short video. I was going to take a 8' 2"x4" and then take a 4'x8' sheet of aluminum or stainless and roll it into one huge hood where I would mount a bracket with a socket and bulb equally distances along the 2"x4". Sounds pretty cool huh? I bet the coverage would be intense! Obviously I am going to have to tweak and modify to avoid hotspots and wasted lumens but I think it would increase overall production. I would probably just run two lights per tray during transition (the one week of veg in my flower room before the lights switch) and then turn on the third light after that until the end. 6lbs a tray would be a nice start, and 9 being the top I think I could ever reach. Let me know what you guys think...
