3 1/2 week old AUTO FLOWER, Might be a Hermaphrodite?? TAKE A LOOK(PICS)


Well-Known Member
So my Auto purple is about 3 1/2wks maybe more, it is looking beautiful

but when I look a little closer I see these


Now I'm not 100 percent sure they are nut sacks cause I squeezed a small one to try an pull it off but it just kinda of opened an just spread out

So can anyone help me here, I want to pull them but if they are start for bud I don't want to ruin them ?

Cereal box

Active Member
I'm no pro, but it looks like a hermie to me. In the first pic you can definitely see pistols, if so, you could probably get away with picking them pollen sacs. live done it successfully with a hermie before. Just my opinion, GL.


Well-Known Member
I'm no pro, but it looks like a hermie to me. In the first pic you can definitely see pistols, if so, you could probably get away with picking them pollen sacs. live done it successfully with a hermie before. Just my opinion, GL.
yeah that's what I just did, but does anyone have insight on what cause an AUTO FLOWER to hermie? Cause ever since I planted it, its had no stress what so ever


New Member
Autoflowering strains come from seed and depending on how feminized they are, you will get males, females and hermaphrodites...just like normal non-auto seed.


Active Member
I supposed when it comes to hermaphroditism there are many different shades as with humans. You could be mostly male, mostly female, or a pretty good mix. And yes, I have no experience with auto flower strains, but I do have experience with hermaphrodites. When the have the occasional seed or "banana" sack, they still grow buds. But I personally have never seen such well defined male characteristics in a hermie. Hopefully if you keep pulling the sacks buds will form. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Autoflowering strains come from seed and depending on how feminized they are, you will get males, females and hermaphrodites...just like normal non-auto seed.

Thank you bro simple an sweet explanation!

I supposed when it comes to hermaphroditism there are many different shades as with humans. You could be mostly male, mostly female, or a pretty good mix. And yes, I have no experience with auto flower strains, but I do have experience with hermaphrodites. When the have the occasional seed or "banana" sack, they still grow buds. But I personally have never seen such well defined male characteristics in a hermie. Hopefully if you keep pulling the sacks buds will form. Good luck.
yeah i just been yanking nuts whenever i see them,(hahahahah yanking nuts)the few that where in the pic i pulled them off yesterday, an big ass white pistils took there place so that kinda made me excited, an I'm not worried about a few seeds cause i could use them!

my other question is if a autoflower hermie produces seed will they also be autoflowering Hermes?


New Member
also growing auto and wish it to be a hermi!! i could do with a couple of seeds!! one question though, would the seeds be auto flowers too?


So i recently have gone throught the same issue with the ball sacks on my Pyramid Purple Auto... I have just kept removing them whenever i see them and she is growing great!!!! 19" and she is only 27 days old IMG_20140317_113829.jpg

do you have any pictures of your purple auto?


A feminised seed isn't 100% feminized.. It have 97-98 % possibilities to become a girl.. It depends on you too to become a boy... A lot of day time .... Stress etc...