3.5' x 7.5' grow area, 50 sites SOG style - What lights?

the monthly bill can be kind of a concern, though i'm sure it could be worked out. I'm using an Aero/nft setup similar to the aeroflow 60 site, but with only 50 sites. the plants will roughly be in an area of 3.5' x 7.5' and I'm curious to know if it is possible to run with two 600 watt hps lights? Or what if they are both on light rails? I don't know if i can bump it up to two 1000 watt's but i'm just hoping to hear good news.
I'm sure someone has done something similar before so hopefully you can shed some light on me, before thinking i'm an ass lol i've searched a lot of info and came across some answers, but I want specific input by you masters. Now if you don't mind, i'm going to go play with the chickens outside.

Thank you

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
I had 20 EasyRyders(auto's) under 1 600 and i just moved it to the other side of the tent with string and ended up with 15oz so you could do it with 600's with light movers but if you can go with the 1000w they'll be alot better

Dennis Rodman

Active Member
if you're running a SOG, you dont need a lot of penetration. you can get away with using a 600w and keeping it a bit closer
That is great news. Pretty much made my day, for I know most growers would be all like "yo son u b stoopid wut u dum lolololol u need more lite bro". I guess as long as I keep them trimmed I will be good to go. Hmm, any ideas how i should run the movers? Parallel and passing each other left to right? I will most likely not use them but if it becomes readily available to me i'll probably go for it, it wouldn't hurt none the less. thanks again

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Can't really say on that one depends on how you have it set out, you can get light movers that go round or they go back and forth, you want it which ever way gives you the most light coverage


Well-Known Member

I'm going to a system 3x6 sog. I'm going to try with one 600 and see how it goes. I may add a 300w led fixture as well. (heat problems!) I hope the 600 hps will cover the area.
Number of clones or plants honestly doesn't matter for yield unless you just want to do more work. Too many plants and you're going to be overcrowding the area you're working with and the plants and buds will most likely get budrot even in a SOG. I'd just cut your numbers down and realize there is basically a standard per light not by how many plants you are growing at once. Your yield is almost a direct correlation of wattage. 1lb per thousand .75lb per 600w .5 per 400w. The number of plants you have just means more work, trust me I've just realized this after lowering my number from 16 to 10 to 6 plants each per thousand all with the almost exact same yields (while running the same nutes).


Number of clones or plants honestly doesn't matter for yield unless you just want to do more work. Too many plants and you're going to be overcrowding the area you're working with and the plants and buds will most likely get budrot even in a SOG. I'd just cut your numbers down and realize there is basically a standard per light not by how many plants you are growing at once. Your yield is almost a direct correlation of wattage. 1lb per thousand .75lb per 600w .5 per 400w. The number of plants you have just means more work, trust me I've just realized this after lowering my number from 16 to 10 to 6 plants each per thousand all with the almost exact same yields (while running the same nutes).
how much was you yield?
I almost always get around 1- 1.25 lb per thousand watt. Unfortunately, no matter what I do always the same only a little variation. I've heard of people getting slightly larger yields but I think I'm maxing the strains I've been running.


Active Member
everything ive read on here says to go by watts per sq. ft. so 3.5'x7.5'=26.25sq.ft./ 1200w=45.7w per sq.ft. recommended is 50w per sq.ft. so your good with 2 600s. second thing as far as SOG goes the best way to do it is with no veg straight from clone to flower and you shouldnt have a prob getting 50 in that size area
Whoa, i stepped off the internet for a few days haha i forgot about this post. Great information thank you dudes. I'm going to go with two 600's (starting with one until i build enough clones) I'll read into what you have said SweetnHeavy, i did come across similar stuff about that, buuuutttt i've already become building stuff i'll probably just stick to it now until i get sick of the work hahaha then i will revert to your solution. For me right now, i think its time for a large glass of wine..or something else.
