3 bagseed trees 4th week of flowering.


Well-Known Member
I had to chop down the squirly looking bud you see in the previous pics because she had started growing male traits. I'm looking forward to some good smoke but here are some pics of the little bastard bud. I only noticed male growth on this one top and no others on the same plant, so I am going to let the rest mature and actually pack on the weight and potency.



Well-Known Member
Nice! Good eye, alot of people might not of caught that. Doubt it would have made seeds, but better safe than sorry..


Well-Known Member
The weird thing, is that one top looked really stressed out and it was having leaf problems, so I think it went hermie cuz it thought it was going to die. But the thing is, I inspected the rest of the plant thoroughly and didn't see any unusual male growth. So I'm not sure if the whole plant went hermie, or just one part. It kind of scares me though.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is a update of week 6 of flowering. The plants look great and they still got a ways to go. But they are looking fantastic.

Here is plant 1:

Here is plant 2:

And here is plant #3:

And here is the bunch under my HPS:

Any questions and comments are welcome. Please tell me what you think.


Well-Known Member
And here is my newest addition that I'm quite excited about. This is a super skunk clone I got from a dispensary and she is under a $10 4ft. florescent. And she is waiting to be a big momma to provide many more clones!


Natures Cure

Active Member
Yes I am currently feeding it a tablespoon/gallon of Fox Farm's Tiger Bloom with 5 or so drops of Superthrive as well. I let my tap water sit for at least 48 hours so the chlorine can dissipate and such, then I make the mix and feed them. Then, I feed them water the next two times. Then back to nutes. They all have Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and they are in 2 gallon buckets I believe.
I gotta say that there is no reason the let your water sit for two days. Most of the chlorine dissapates (depending on the size/amount) is 1-3 hours. Letting it sit is not necesarrily the way to go? Get a chlorine test kit to prove it. waste of time.


Well-Known Member
I gotta say that there is no reason the let your water sit for two days. Most of the chlorine dissapates (depending on the size/amount) is 1-3 hours. Letting it sit is not necesarrily the way to go? Get a chlorine test kit to prove it. waste of time.
Are there any other compounds in the water that need time to dissipate? Or is it just the chlorine?


Well-Known Member
For two gallon buckets, there pretty big plants! Dont forget, dehumidifier water is great shit, snow, rain..


Well-Known Member
Here's an update. The plants look good.

And my one sativa there in the back has most of its fan leaves removed because they were drying up and dying. Now my question is, since it's such a leafy bud, will it still absorb the light with the leaves that are attached to the buds instead of relying on fan leaves? Cuz I really want that lady to fill out.
Here's some pics to show you what I'm talking about.



Well-Known Member
And my one sativa there in the back has most of its fan leaves removed because they were drying up and dying. Now my question is, since it's such a leafy bud, will it still absorb the light with the leaves that are attached to the buds instead of relying on fan leaves? Cuz I really want that lady to fill out.
should continue to ripen up, some strains are that way, they suck out the nutes in the big fans


Well-Known Member
Update on the male plant. It wilted for some reason, but I snipped all of its pollen sacks off and am storing it in a mason jar. So I have the genetics in my possession still!