3 Black Kids..

It's going to be worse this time.
Yeah I was digging into how the posts on ANTIFA started here and aside form a couple small posts this seems like the first major thread talking about it. An looks like they were race baiting using it in 2013 to paint it as the anti-right version of angry white kids. Crazy how it lines up right with the Russian attacks on our democracy.

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And it picked up again a lot in 2017. When this video was made:

Now it has President Trump using the full power of his office to amplify this troll on the left.
Viciously beat up a white kid for telling school officials that they tried to sell him drugs.


Where's all the bleeding hearts on this one? Why isn't this story on every news channel 24/7? NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson.... Hello? Is this racist? If the boys where white beating up a black you better fucking believe this would be a huge story with riots and people wanting the kids jailed forever. I love how the media can pick and choose what stories they run and decide what to make a big deal out of.

hundreds of years of torment- i don't blame them for expression

America per se is the original sinner..slave traders for slave labor.

no matter how hard you fight, we will no longer allow you to keep a human being.

you lost last time and you will lose again.
hundreds of years of torment- i don't blame them for expression

America per se is the original sinner..slave traders for slave labor.

no matter how hard you fight, we will no longer allow you to keep a human being.

you lost last time and you will lose again.
Don't worry, they have another narrative specially designed for people like you. And you have already been fooled by it.
Yeah I was digging into how the posts on ANTIFA started here and aside form a couple small posts this seems like the first major thread talking about it. An looks like they were race baiting using it in 2013 to paint it as the anti-right version of angry white kids. Crazy how it lines up right with the Russian attacks on our democracy.

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And it picked up again a lot in 2017. When this video was made:

Now it has President Trump using the full power of his office to amplify this troll on the left.
See, trolling through the past posts with the 20/20 hindsight of history can be useful, time brings new facts and clarity to past situations and the internet documents it all, including it's impact here. Makes current abuses and methods easier to spot, just the themes change the purpose and methods remain the same. The Russians are masters of bullshit and have been for over a hundred years, human intelligence is also a specialty of theirs and history has shown they are very effective at it. They are also very effective in the cyber realm as has been recently proven too and exploited weakness in social media platforms to do the most damage other than hacking. Having an agent and cooperative ally in Donald was an immense help in spreading disinformation and creating an American 5th column of racists traitors.
Yeah I was digging into how the posts on ANTIFA started here and aside form a couple small posts this seems like the first major thread talking about it. An looks like they were race baiting using it in 2013 to paint it as the anti-right version of angry white kids. Crazy how it lines up right with the Russian attacks on our democracy.

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And it picked up again a lot in 2017. When this video was made:

Now it has President Trump using the full power of his office to amplify this troll on the left.
The right and nazis use the term, "race traitor", I figure the term racist traitor resonates with them and they don't like the off tones, or being beat with the stick of patriotism. There comes a point, when to knowingly support a traitor in the destruction of your country and the murder of your fellow citizens, makes you a traitor too, or at the very least a fucking idiot.
The right and nazis use the term, "race traitor", I figure the term racist traitor resonates with them and they don't like the off tones, or being beat with the stick of patriotism. There comes a point, when to knowingly support a traitor in the destruction of your country and the murder of your fellow citizens, makes you a traitor too, or at the very least a fucking idiot.
Unfortunately racists have decided that calling them racists is racist and as a byproduct anything with 'race' in it triggers them.

And a lot of people are getting triggered by racist stuff for very legitimately scary reasons that they are being told about by people in power that they trust. Unfortunately getting them to figure out that they are being lied to gets really difficult when you attack them with triggering words like 'racist'.

They have been brainwashed to think that it is patriotic to be xenophobic about where people are born, and don't actually recognize it for being racist.

See, trolling through the past posts with the 20/20 hindsight of history can be useful, time brings new facts and clarity to past situations and the internet documents it all, including it's impact here. Makes current abuses and methods easier to spot, just the themes change the purpose and methods remain the same. The Russians are masters of bullshit and have been for over a hundred years, human intelligence is also a specialty of theirs and history has shown they are very effective at it. They are also very effective in the cyber realm as has been recently proven too and exploited weakness in social media platforms to do the most damage other than hacking. Having an agent and cooperative ally in Donald was an immense help in spreading disinformation and creating an American 5th column of racists traitors.

A couple things I am trying really hard to not get annoyed by here.

First is just petty on my part, but I have been looking through old posts for years here, I always find it interesting to try to remember what was being talked about and this website is a treasure trove of trolling.

Second is that it is a combination of this and the hacking that makes them so effective in spreading their disinformation. Hacking our democracy is the social media attack. But yes absolutely Trump is unquestionably the conductor of this hate train. Even if Putin is the one that attacked our country, Trump is not protecting our citizens, and is actively helping propagate Russia's attack.
Oh yea?
Very old post & is as true today as it was then.
Actually worse.
Speaking of the perspective of history you were right, I'm more optimistic, I disagree about the ALWAYS part, cultures and people change and evolve over time. The government can help this process along by making sure ALL citizens flourish in the pursuit of happiness, that the job description anyway.

Fear of the "other" will always be with us, but it is tribal, not racial, there is plenty of evidence for this too and examples of mixed race sports teams and armies to prove this as well, all perform equally well. There will be those who have preference based on race, that's just the way some people are put together biologically, they are a small minority though and are included in all all races, they are often xenophobes too.

A hundred and fifty years ago Irish Catholics were thought of as little better than blacks by protestants, who ran society and government at the time. There was ghettoization and widespread discrimination. Even in my home town the Catholics lived in one end of town and the protestants in the other, but that has long since changed as the importance of religion has faded. I was a protestant kid, but almost all my friends were catholic, many of irish or highland scots descent, I went to the public school system and they the parochial one at the time, they have since been integrated. People don't have to look or speak differently for tribalism to emerge, teenage kids will do it over, schools, fashion and phones.
All that I know is that most black friends of mine have at one time in their lives have been harassed by white people, mostly cops. It has been and will always be a fact of everyday life in the US for a black man or woman, seeing how many illiterate and racist people there are in this country. It's sad to think that sometimes we appear to be moving backwards, seeing that the Voter Rights Act was has recently been tossed out the window. Blacks have been scapegoated ever since they were set free by Lincoln, and anybody that can't see that is stone blind.
I made this post 7 fucking years ago & I'm very surprised (no I'm not actually) that today in 2020 the situation in this country is even fucking worse than it was then.
Maybe this time the American people will wake the fuck up to the injustice perpetuated on the Blacks in America.
If not, we are all fucked.
I made this post 7 fucking years ago & I'm very surprised (no I'm not actually) that today in 2020 the situation in this country is even fucking worse than it was then.
Maybe this time the American people will wake the fuck up to the injustice perpetuated on the Blacks in America.
If not, we are all fucked.
America has been frozen in time James by the republicans since 2010, Moscow Mitch has blocked every effort at reform and change. The GOP wanted the status quo and so did a lot of white Americans, they got chaos, ruin and death, they will also get rapid change in a direction that some of the fanatics won't like at all, too fucking bad, no more compromising with evil and stupid. Winner take all this time and if Donald loses it's prison for him and hundreds if not thousands of his minions, it's life or death for Donald and it will be for you too.
I made this post 7 fucking years ago & I'm very surprised (no I'm not actually) that today in 2020 the situation in this country is even fucking worse than it was then.
Maybe this time the American people will wake the fuck up to the injustice perpetuated on the Blacks in America.
If not, we are all fucked.
BTW James I noticed in one of yer grow pics you still seem to be using gas light to grow with. Now I used to use gaslight myself back in the stone age and all the talk then was about what mantle produced the best spectrum etc. We got this thing called science ya know and its God awful child technology, they got LEDs for that stuff now and they work great too! And you complaining about America stuck in time! :D Come into the light James, LED light that is, the poor bains must be suffering from the heat. Perhaps I'm mistaken though and that was an old pic with an obsolete light.
BTW James I noticed in one of yer grow pics you still seem to be using gas light to grow with. Now I used to use gaslight myself back in the stone age and all the talk then was about what mantle produced the best spectrum etc. We got this thing called science ya know and its God awful child technology, they got LEDs for that stuff now and they work great too! And you complaining about America stuck in time! :D Come into the light James, LED light that is, the poor bains must be suffering from the heat. Perhaps I'm mistaken though and that was an old pic with an obsolete light.
I have 3 rooms running for bloom (total plants 27 when running at full capacity), 2 all LED with 10-300 watt Advanced Platinum's & I with florescent for veg
These are the LED's

Also 1 room with 1800 watts HPS & on a desert island I'd take the HPS, no problem.
Yea, I'm not in the stone age, I just like HID more :)
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I have 3 rooms running for bloom (total plants 27 when running at full capacity), 2 all LED with 10-300 watt Advanced Platinum's & I with florescent for veg
These are the LED's

Also 1 room with 1800 watts HPS & on a desert island I'd take the HPS, no problem.
Yea, I'm not in the stone age, I just like HID more :)
Use DIY water cooled in the flower room runing citizen cobs, think I'd use strips on the cooling tubes these days, Use 2 lamp arrays in the room, a main light 1180W and one for the "nook" 750W. Grow 3 under the main with a 4 x 8' + canopy on three pot grids, the nook has 2 plants, same deal. I have a separate veg room with air cooled DIY 5000K panels salvaged free from LED street lights, got em from the junkyard, stripped the (new) components out and took back the aluminum carcass. I got 30 some lights total and a ton of parts, built free lights for a few friends and I'm quite popular in certain circles! Used to take a bag down for the boys at the salvage yard every friday and they would set stuff aside for me, I got what I wanted pretty quick, the junk yard dogs tails were wagging when they saw me coming, cause I had milk bones for them too, the guys were drooling too and I often smelt smoke while leaving the office after paying!

Run a small compassion club and I'm a lazy fuck who has a sharecropper (grow partner) come in the basement door every morning and do the gardening these days, I'm still sleeping in many cases! I'm just a fucking manager now, trained him for a spell in all aspects, he's a meditation student too and needs pot to exist, he's a poor guy, but a good man and a friend.