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Dont potate. I can count to potato!
yeah, they shouldn't even let black kids in school...
So you blame minorities for the blight of Urban decay?
Not tangible things like
lack of employment or deteriorating infrastructure?
I'm going to guess you just a stupid racist twat
Allow me to get all judgmental here.
Fifteen year old kids should not be smoking pot, or selling pot. I will bet none of the three can write a clear sentence or use the quadratic formula; I doubt any of the three has ever heard the word, "quadratic".
Three fifteen year old boys should not brutally assault a thirteen year old boy, breaking his arm in the process. It looks like attempted murder would be an appropriate charge in this case.
The school principal should have exercised good sense and not put the drug dealing delinquents on the same bus as their intended victim.
Is it fair to blame minorities for the condition of Africa? The "Control Group" over there isn't doing too hot. Maybe Lil' Wayne can go over there and get everyone to feel like shit if they don't have an elevator in their hut.
there are not enough facepalms in the world for people like you.
i hope you trip and fall today, causing yourself some undetected internal bleeding that gets infected and leads to a slow, painful death for you.