3 Black Kids..

show me one post where i advocate for communism.

i believe you reading compensation has failed you?


go sleep it off, drunky.

buhahaha show you? Almost every goddamn thing you post is evidence. State rights, federal overreach, the attack on the second amendment, the 4th amendment, government programs, unions to name half a dozen off the top of my head. lol show you, we can see that polished star shining clear as day.
i looked for members here on other websites. well, nietzschekeen was stupid enough to use his handle here on a dating website. so i did what any neo nazi hating troll would do and set up a puppet account under the name "aunt_chanice" with a picture of MSNBC commentator krystal ball as my profile pic.

he messaged me within minutes and i led him on for a while, gleaning details about his sad, sad situation. i could have had any info i wanted but let him in on the ruse after a while.

you guys didn't even know about this, nor have you seen his pic, no matter how much i wanna show it because the dude just LOOKS like the fucking racist shitbag he is.

If this is true then I direct you to this:
Attention Users This Will Not Be Tolerated

Hey Guys/Gals,

It has come to my attention that other users are mistreating each other, we are a cannabis family and this will not be tolerated any longer, rollitup has always strived to be a tight knit family however with our growing popularity we are getting larger. Progress cannot be stopped only embraced however we have always gone by the "No Rules" and "Freedom Of speech policy" however this is true to an extent blatant disregard for moderators and other users will not be tolerated and will deserve you an infraction or a ban depending on the severity.

Disagreements are fine and they usually generate a good discussion however why verbally abuse somebody while trying to make your point, this does not only defeat the discussion it makes you look like an idiot. Online users as well as "real life" people have feelings so why go out of your way to be a dick. This will not be tolerated any longer and we have been fairly easy on this up until now.

Please take into consideration that people have "real life" problems, someone might be having a bad day and want to come use rollitup for some relaxation, please do not ruin another users experience. This is the only warning I will be giving.


At what point did you think it would be a good idea to stalk other members of this forum? No matter if you had obtained any personal information or posted a pic of him, you are bragging about how you stalked, tormented and harassed a member of this forum for whatever sick reason. First you try and claim you're not a snitch, and in the same breath talk about how you hunted down members of this forum, and for what, Some sick personal gain?

You have some serious issues and should be banned from this forum.
buhahaha show you? Almost every goddamn thing you post is evidence. State rights, federal overreach, the attack on the second amendment, the 4th amendment, government programs, unions to name half a dozen off the top of my head. lol show you, we can see that polished star shining clear as day.

so making states obey the constitution is communism now?

boy, you're on a roll tonight.

go sleep it off.
If this is true then I direct you to this:

At what point did you think it would be a good idea to stalk other members of this forum? No matter if you had obtained any personal information or posted a pic of him, you are bragging about how you stalked, tormented and harassed a member of this forum for whatever sick reason. First you try and claim you're not a snitch, and in the same breath talk about how you hunted down members of this forum, and for what, Some sick personal gain?

You have some serious issues and should be banned from this forum.

he kinda looked like you, but slightly fatter and with beadier eyes.

i could imagine the two of you sitting down and having a nice discussion about what you guys read on stormfront and about how much you dislike those darkies but enjoy mail order brides.
he kinda looked like you, but slightly fatter and with beadier eyes.

i could imagine the two of you sitting down and having a nice discussion about what you guys read on stormfront and about how much you dislike those darkies but enjoy mail order brides.

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. -Adolf Hitler

Well at least we know where his strategic ad hominem arguments come from.

he kinda looked like you, but slightly fatter and with beadier eyes.

i could imagine the two of you sitting down and having a nice discussion about what you guys read on stormfront and about how much you dislike those darkies but enjoy mail order brides.

I doubt you could imagine that, since your imagination is clearly fucked. Also, I would much rather have a mail order bride than to harpoon one out of the Atlantic ocean.

  • when RIU was down a couple weeks back, i looked for members here on other websites.​

And you wonder why I call you a narc.... LOL!!!

You posted pics of yourself, your wife and your grow. How's that working out for ya??
And you wonder why I call you a narc.... LOL!!!

why would cross-website trolling, which is fucking epic, be a narc?

you seem upset.

You posted pics of yourself, your wife and your grow. How's that working out for ya??

it has provided tons of entertainment from butthurt, anonymous buffoons like you.

hell, echelon called her every entry iin the thesaurus for morbidly obese only to reveal that his girlfriend wears the same size dress as my wife. and he got himself banned for a while in the process.

not my best trolling technique, but it has brought the LULZ.
why would cross-website trolling, which is fucking epic, be a narc?

you seem upset.

it has provided tons of entertainment from butthurt, anonymous buffoons like you.

hell, echelon called her every entry iin the thesaurus for morbidly obese only to reveal that his girlfriend wears the same size dress as my wife. and he got himself banned for a while in the process.

not my best trolling technique, but it has brought the LULZ.

Actually, you posted her size as a medium, which is an 8 in the US and a 12 in AU.

I told you my missus wears a 8-10 AU which is 4-6 US according to this dress size conversion...


So you keep on a failing there while you "live" with your piss poor life choice...
i would bang the size 16 any day of the week, for the record.

you have fun banging the 6 that looks like a little boy.

we all know australia was basically populated pedophile miscreants deemed too uncivilized for polite society.
i would bang the size 16 any day of the week, for the record.
You have no choice in the matter even the big girls have to settle for you...
you have fun banging the 6 that looks like a little boy.
Is that what people ask your wife regarding her "husband"?
we all know australia was basically populated pedophile miscreants deemed too uncivilized for polite society.
LOL Australian insults, doesn't change the fact the biggest island in the world cannot accommodate her!
Like most here, everytime you open your mouth re: your life partner this is the image we all have;

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  • why would cross-website trolling, which is fucking epic,​

The fact that you consider cross trolling websites to be epic just shows how small and sad a life you have...
The fact that you consider cross trolling websites to be epic just shows how small and sad a life you have...

you've said here that you are on other websites as well.

many would consider your fact-free, reality-hating, unskewed polls, domestic oil in alberta nonsense to be a form of trolling.

did you run off to your other website after the election? you ran like a dog with tail between legs after your false construct of reality came crashing down in front of your eyes.

i laughed for hours after i trolled nietzsche on the dating website, for the record. it was fucking hilarious, but not as good as your world of liberal media faking the polls coming to an abrupt end.